If Vista was anymore popular it would break the internet

You know they were considering using BitTorrent early on, but decided not to for unnamed "legal" reasons. I can't imagine what those could be, but I assume it means the RIAA and MPAA. With their influence in Washington, they are almost a legistlative entity, lol.
Q: What about BitTorrent?
A: We thought about Bit Torrent a lot, especially in the planning stages for this. There are legal and privacy issues which unfortunately make that not an option for Microsof to officially sponsor a BitTorrent. I really wish we could do it, but we can't. If someone BitTorrent's we can't guarantee that they've got an unaltered copy, etc.

"Let's use Bittorrent."
"Are you MAD or WHAT??? That would be like legalizing it!"
"But, but, that's what it excels in! And it would save us bandwidth! And it's..."
"STOP. Get out of my face RIGHT NOW! We DON'T WANT to show it has legal uses. We want it KILLED! GO!"

Something like that? ;)
MS's claim it would "break" the internet is not only vastly exaggerated, it's near pathetic. And the FUD regarding bittorrent and its reliability is only to be expected from a vast corporate entity that lies to suit its own purposes as easily as it draws another breath.

Meh. Sometimes I hate people. Why is honesty so hard to come by these days? :(
Since you have to install a download manager to download it to begin with, meaning you're already using a custom solution, the bandwidth issue could easily be solved with a multicast stream.
If someone BitTorrent's we can't guarantee that they've got an unaltered copy
I thought part of the attraction with BitTorrent and the torrent files was that you can do a checksum comparison against every block to make sure it is NOT unaltered as long as you're using the same torrent and the same tracker. Granted, someone else can make their own torrents and put up an altered copy on their own tracker, but they can do that right now anyway (and probably do, not that I've looked for one).

It's pretty obvious that what they mean is that they don't want to have their name affiliated with a piracy engine, which is certainly valid for Microsoft.
Piracy engine? Bit Torrent is a great thing, and more places should embrass it. It would save many companies tons of bandwidth.
I'd agree with that, but most major corporations wouldn't. They can only see it as a tool for peer-to-peer illegal downloading.

I also feel the RIAA and MPAA just have the completely wrong approaches when it comes to piracy and downloading of music/movies. They need to realize it isn't going away, and for every measure they try to take to prevent, they'll only encourage more people to do it. Apple did it right with iTunes, as far as I'm concerned.
They can write their own BitTorrent client only for downloading Vista, just like Blizzard uses their own BitTorrent client for downloading various things. This way, their customers are less likely to get "altered copy" as long as they use unhacked clients provided by Microsoft (SHA-1 check on each chunk should be quite enough to discard for any deliberately faked chunks).

I have no idea what "legal" and "privacy" issues they have.
Bit-Torrent is inevitably connected with the idea of usually-illegal downloads, so MS is trying to steer away from that.

I think they should just rename it. As long as there is some kind of peer-to-peer download system that works like Bit-Torrent but is not called P2P or BitTorrent, they should be fine. Most people don't actually know how these system actually work, so if they used a system called, dunno, Sauna, people will be happy. Mostly, i think MS will be happy cause people don't give a flying rat anyway.

And Vista is not exactly "popular" and definitely not "popular enough to break the Internet"...
london-boy said:
And Vista is not exactly "popular" and definitely not "popular enough to break the Internet"...
But it sounds great, doesn't it? And it makes Vista sound very popular. What do you expect?
Saw on Anandtech that some guys apparantly set up a tracker for a torrent of vista beta2...

Idiots. Like they didn't know they were gonna get cease-and-desisted. :rolleyes: (Which they were, of course.)

Btw. Why is it always cease and desist? Isn't that a bit redundant? :p
"They also stated that pushing out any more information may bring down the entire internet as we know it."

