ICO getting a rerelease!

Shifty you just saved me alot of money. I was intending to bid AU $100 for it on ebay for a half-assed used version. I hope this also mean it carries the platinum price tag on release with with SotC. =)
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The link reckons a £20 pricepoint, which sounds likely. I was looking at ICO months back and only saw £80 on eBay, so this is very good news, and should see a lot of interest in ICO off the back of SotC.
Ack! No mention of a Canadian re-release? Damn it, I knew I should have picked that copy up at Loblaws 3 months ago...
ICO, ICO. One of the most overlooked game this gen. I was actually a little disappointed when they announced SotC was not a sequel to ICO. But I guess it turns out OK (though I would still love a sequel). And I also have a feeling that many would probably end up more satisfied ICO than the game it came with.

And they probably wouldn't re-release it here in the US as SotC is already out (unless they release it as GH, but I don't think it sold enough copies). But I hope they do.

EDIT: I kinda misread. I thought it comes with SotC.

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what was soo good about ico
it was like the 2nd game to come out for ps2

my friend had it, didnt u have to like protect some stupid prncess by pushing ghosts or somehting?!?

hmm how much is the game worth now?!
ICO is the best game I've played without a doubt. Utterly amazing. Slightly disappointed you weren’t able to share in my appreciation for it but w/e. And I picked this title up for $15 Canadian at my local blockbuster about a year or so ago, It's still fairly easy to find (for cheap) over here.

EDIT: BTW has anybody here played ICO as well as sotc? I'd like to know how they compare. I plan to pick up sotc soon but I need to beat ff7 (yes the original ff7 from 1997 :p) first.
-NakedZ- said:
EDIT: I kinda misread. I thought it comes with SotC.


Sony PR rep-:

"There is a plan to re-release the original, and it will come in a package with Shadow of the Colossus."

Sounds like a European collectors edition - two games for the price of one, complete with fancy looking packaging, a little sweetener for European gamers for having to wait months.
What does our resident developers/coders say, how easy is it to take a second gen game and "res it up"?
Finally a version of SotC that is actually playable.

It was playable. Patience was a system requirement :LOL: The sheer mass of RAM (in comparison to the PS2) will be a god send though. I really hope we get improved textures, and scenery LOD that doesn't have to compromise thanks to underwhelming graphical power as well as 720p or 1080p.
It was playable. Patience was a system requirement :LOL: The sheer mass of RAM (in comparison to the PS2) will be a god send though. I really hope we get improved textures, and scenery LOD that doesn't have to compromise thanks to underwhelming graphical power as well as 720p or 1080p.
I really doubt we'll see major texture improvement. Maybe something along the lines of improve texture filtering, but no resolution changes.
Nice, always heard beautiful things about those two titles even though never played them myself. Hopefully The Last Guardian get to be released on a similar date too.
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I imagine it would, similar to GOW3 hot on the tails of GOW collection. Prep the market with ICO and SOTC rereleases a month or two before TLG to get everyone interested.