I think I pissed someone off at EB yesterday...

I don't know, I've never done one before. :?

It isn't a DoS attack, our site is back and it looks like we're having some weird server problems. Zar has found a work around and is working to fix the problem now. :)
Digi....i think you should check all your posts on all boards you visit and see if you might insulted someone. ;)
silence said:
Digi....i think you should check all your posts on all boards you visit and see if you might insulted someone. ;)
I did, but I couldn't find anything that even vaguely looked insulting to anyone at any of the forums I've ever posted at! :?



digitalwanderer said:
Smokinghot said:
Just as this has nothing to do with this forum.... I just wanted to say that the admin on this sites gaming servers blows.. frankly this person was an ass and if that represents anything about the people that run this site thats sad.... I just wanted to say ..l.. again ..l.. and if u dont understand that then u are obviously a lamer =P
My first response reading his post:

I have no clue, but if all his posts are a bunch of the same I think I'm gonna ban him and delete them all.

We don't HAVE any gaming servers! :?
After seeing he'd posted it over 20 times in every thread he could and finding out it was because he was mad over being banned from the Elite Bastard game server that Devourer is hosting I posted up this follow-up and then did it:

digitalwanderer said:
Doh! We do have a game server and Devourer is running it. :oops:

Well, tough cookies. I still don't appreciate ya coming here and spamming like that. If you got a beef you would have been welcome to put it up in our clearly labelled "No Holds Barred" lounge where you could rant to your hearts content, but instead you decide to come in here and puke your comment all over our forums?

I think not, I most definately think not. :?

Banned, and mostly undone.
So I figured out how to ban him and did, then deleted as many of his posts that I could. The ones no one responded to, at least I TRIED to only get the ones no one responded to....when I got 20 browsers open deleting posts I can get a tad confused so if I goofed and broke the flow of any threads please forgive me.

I just thought I'd post up a quick note about what I did, I hate it when things just "sort of happen" on a forum and I don't know what or why and figured some may find it interesting.
Twasn't me getting all Diggy on someone, it was me actually doing my job. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
silence said:
Digi....i think you should check all your posts on all boards you visit and see if you might insulted someone. ;)
I did, but I couldn't find anything that even vaguely looked insulting to anyone at any of the forums I've ever posted at! :?

:oops: all posts on all boards???? :oops:
