I had 2 dreams this morning.


Retarded moron
I dreamed that Natoma sent me a PM and told me he was leaving the B3D boards for good because I was stupid.

That dream was followed up by something weirder that I was at the train station at night and 2 of my friends which were both socially accepted zombies were talking to me. I walk into the train station, the zombies stayed outside (they were brother and sister and were still part human mentally and physically) and my younger brother was turning into a zombie.
The train station looked a lot like the train station in Half Life 2.
Anyway I made a promise to my brother that I'd find a cure.

There were dead zombies in the walls and all over the floor. My brother and I started kicking them and beating them, my brother went to sit down but was cut on the skull of a dead zombie he finished beating.

My brother was bleeding severely, so I rushed outside to call for help, my 2 zombie friends went to help my brother and there was this big, a bit fat man with silver hair which stood up on it's ends and he wore a blue vest with a "v" collar, coloured red.

Strange dreams. What do you guys think?
I think that trying to make any sense/meaning of the brain storing memories (dreams are a bi-product of that function, nothing else) dosn't make any sense at all ;)
I had 3 dreams:

In one I was investigating a mall for my hot asian wife, who was the owner's assistant. I was doing private eye work in the US part time after making a good amount of money doing computer stuff in here in Canada, during which I became a master martial artist. Apparently, the owner has been acting oddly and at the same time there were strange assults and brief sightings of an odd animal.

Anyways, when I arrived in a nice private-eye style suit, I talked to my wife first, who seemed nervous. Apparently, the owner wasn't to be found and they'd had additional reports of this animal. It was described as a sort of wolf-man in blue shorts and a white T-shirt with the mall logo on it. She said that the victems were being cared for at the local hospital, whose entrance was just down the hall as an arm of it was built underneath and into the mall.

From where I stood, we were in a large right triangular space with an open area in the centre and a high domed ceiling. I was facing the 90 degree corner, from which extended forward a large hall way, split down the middle like in most malls and with a high arched glass ceiling supported by a geometrical array of steel tubes. All the ceilings connected to the walls in a recessed manner, leaving a few feet of ledge. Behind me was a doorway to a sort of viewing balcony/area that was under construction and closed off. The hospital entrance was on the far right corner ahead of me, and the door to the owner's office was midway along the wall to my left.

Then, just as I turned to head to the hospital, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. It was the wolf-man, in the t-shirt and shorts as my wife had just described! Unfortunitly, he was in the process of leaping at me from the ceiling. However, thank's to my martial arts reinforced reactions, I handily parried his attack, sending him tumbling over the railing and nearly into the water feature below. He quickly ran off, and wanting to avoid a further attack, I made haste to the hospital door.

Once there, I took an elevator down below. On the way, the resident doctor described to me these unsual assults, which I had just nearly been a victem of, in more detail. Apparently, this beast had attacked a half-dozen people previously. He would seemingly out of no where and disappear just as quickly, leaving only a handful of witnesses. The victems were left stricken with a significant loss of blood and an unknown disease. When I saw them, they were frail, grey and old looking, but I was assured that none were over 50. The doctors tending to them said their condition was stable and improving, but they couldn't determine the illness, so treatment was limited. Also, when each victem arrived they were missing between 1/4 and 1/3 of their normal blood levels. The first individuals attacked, and thus the most improved, reported that they were attacked by a wolf-man in shorts and T-shirt, consistant with today's sightings.

With this in mind, I left there to inspect the owner's office, and my wife noted that he hadn't been around much lately, showing up at odd hours. At the very least, I thought I might find some clues and try to understand his connection to these incidents. But just as I passed through the hospital door, I found the wolf-man was eyeing me from the ceiling ledge opposite me!

Summoning my strength, I made chase. The creature lept up onto the steel rafters along the ceiling's glass arch, flinging itself from one to another. I did the same, inspired with confidence from our previous encounter that I could take him. Indeed, as he clambered along the far side of the ceiling, I took a short cut by throwing myself towards him from the peak. Grabbing the wheel shaft of an ornamental airplane hanging from the roof with one hand, I attempted to grapple him with the other. Unfortunitly, he got loose, and I ended up with only a fistful of fur.

Not knowing where he went, I got down from the plane and continued to the office. As you can imagine, my wife who was watching was notably frazzled by all this, but I needed her help with at office. This was partially because only she knew where everything was, but mainly due to the fact that only she could open the door. Reassuring her that I could go toe to toe with our "problem" with no promblem, if he showed up again, she reluctantly came with me.

Inside the office, which was small and utilitairian with large full hight windows into the mall on one side and the outdoors on the other, I noticed passage-ways on the right and left. My wife stated that they were sort of secret passages that the owner (who has no other name by the way) and security personelle used to get around the mall unnoticed. The right passage was against the far windows and ran along the legth of the arched hall. The left passage was a door in the middle of the wall, behind which a hallway ran a bit of length into the adjointing forest and private entrance and driveway contained therein. My wife said that the owner would often stay the night here, hence the backdoor entrace.

At this point, I started to suspect that the owner may in fact be this warewolf creature causing so much trouble and ruining buiness for the mall. As the owner, he would has access to these passages, explaining why he would appear and disappear so suddenly. Moreover, it fit with the owner's recent erratic behaviour and general tendancy towards seclusion. At the very least, the owner was hiding something rather serious.

These suspicions were largely verified when we inspected the owner's desk. Atop it lied a quickly, but neatly written note, signed by the owner, stating "Come see my by the balcony". My wife exclaimed that the note wasn't there the last time she came in the office, about 3 hours earlier. Moreover, she knows no one came in, since the owner wasn't there, she knew the security people were in other places, and otherwise only she had access. I told her my suspicions, and she seemed unsurprised, if disappointed. She liked the guy as a friend, despite his quirks, but knowing what had nearly happened to me and had happened to the victems in the hospital, I wasn't taking any chances. I locked and loaded my georgous pistol, gold glad with black ebony inlays and a soft leather grip, as prepared to kick warewolf ass!

Passing through the construction door and standing at the balcony, it appeared they were still finishing the last of the 3 ornate pilliars that appeared before me in an slightly jagged line. These, I presumed, were to support a future floor as it jutted over the natural surroundings. You see, the mall had been built near the coast, which had many interesting rock formations. From this location, I could see a stunning view of the coastline and the sun slowely setting between the rocks. Although, because of the construction, no one else could see anything. Moreover, the floor itself wasn't yet in place, so there was only a 5 foot concrete ledge formed by the existing mall structure, and then a sheer drop some 20 feet into a grassy hillside. It was just me and the owner, or the wolfman as the case may be.

I called out "Hello, Owner?!" only to be greeted by his disembodied voice. Wherever he was, he said, "I like you! You've got spunk. You're the only person who's ever been able to keep up with me." Well, now, at least it was clear who this beast really was. He continued, "I'm going to give you something." and I replied, "I'd sure like some answers!" Then next thing I knew, there was the owner, covered is fur, wearing his blue shorts and mall t-shirt, and crouching on the far pillar like an animal. "You know," he said and I raised my gun, "this really is a beautiful place. But no, I'm not going to give you answers. Instead I'm going to give you something you'll like even more." With that, he lept towards me, I fired, but somehow he had seen my movement and already dodged. Next thing I knew, he was on top of me tearing my chest with his claws and mauling my neck with his teeth. As my blood began to pool around me, I blacked out.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up to the sound of someone screaming. As I open my eyes, I see it my wife. I'm still on the balcony, and she had just opened the door, I guess to look for me. She runs off, leaving me confused as to why I'm even still alive. My notice my nice suit is torn to shreads, but more disturbingly, as I pick at the strips of fabric soaked in what I must assume is my blood, I see my hand. It's not the usual hand I've grown to know so well. No, this one is a fur covered, padded paw-hand. It's evident that Mr. Owner has passed his afflicition on to me, even though it has undoubtably saved my life. Still, I lay back my head in frustration and mutter to myself, "Dammit, those f***ing furries!"


In my spare time, I've conjured up further extensions of this dream bringing it's story years into the future where I've taken a furry convention by storm, been captured by the US military, endured brutal distrimination but in the end upheld my rights by validating my humanity in court, turned around the mall into a wildly successful chain appropriately called "Wild Malls" under the holding company "DudeMiester Inc.", put together a crack team of docters that mysteriously includes a vampire-like lady who try to figure out this "Wild Infection" I contracted, and have a few interesting reunions with the Owner. Oh, and there's a sex scene with my wife (note that I'm not really married), but I don't know if I should include it on account of the beastiality overtones. I probably will though, because it allows me to use the line, "I'm not a f***ing furry, even if I am a furry f***er!"

My second dream consisted of stealing a joy-riding exotic and custom cars with two black people, who the cops blamed for everything in the end, even though it was my idea and I admitted to it. We stole a blue and orange Koenigsegg, this crazy moterised tricycles and some old-school muscle cars, among other things.

The last dream had me doing something that I can't remember now, but it was awesome. :D I think it had tornados, and perhaps mountain climbing.
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After all the effort I put into that, I would hope someone might actually read it! :LOL:

I've worked on the extended version also, which still unfinished is sitting at about 8500 words. I think, fully fleshed out, I could easily hit 80,000 or so by the end of next week. Maybe I should get this published.
Don't worry, I've already been there and done that. I'm entirely sane... now. :LOL: :p

In truth, I only ever saw anyone about depression, ADD and a stupid incident at my high school school because my mom made some foolish comments. I had an arguement with my dad and threatened him, so my mom decided to call the school to make sure I didn't do anything foolish. Well of course, because of the liability involved, I was then sent home until I had a psycologist verify my mental stability. I'll never let her forget that one, lol. :D

Seriously though, my dreams are usually very long, detailed and hyper-real. It's something of a gift I guess. I just write them down, because they are so cool. If anyone want to see more, I have a big stash, over a hundred pages worth. In them, I sometimes have super-powers, sometimes don't. Sometimes I die, and sometimes I'm immortal. Sometimes I save people, and sometimes I watch them die. I've been to both heaven and hell, even converting Satan himself to Christianity once! I also have a large multi-town chain of island communities I frequently visit. It's about hundred square miles worth of environment. My dreams are also sometimes very sexually liberal, far more then I am in real life, it's just I can imagine myself being straight, gay, perverse or puritain equally well. The variety is tremendous, but the constant is cohesive and in-depth stories and characters, with extreme visualisations.

In fact, sometimes I actually have physical simulations too. I see waterfalls, collapsing buildings and landslide, all with correct looking movement of materials. In one of my few lucid dreams, I was seeing hundreds of independant, manipulatable objects at once.

All I know, is that if I ever get into writing books or games, it will truely be my dreams that drive me.
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I dreamed that all the trees behind my house were cut off just above roof level. All the neighbors were looking around like WTF happened as was I. Nobody seemed to notice anything in the night, but the devastation above the level of a two story house was complete. It pretty much degenerated from there.
I had a dream where I was walking through Hell, and almost everyone I knew was there. It wasn't the cliche Hell as depicted by Futurama or The Simpsons. It was just a very "wrong" feeling to the place.

I've also had dreams that sort of predict future events. i.e. a feeling of deja vu. It'd be places that I haven't been to before, but I recognize them. Sometimes it's conversations.

There is one line of dreams that is more like a parallel world, and it continues. It's like a TV series.