I got it.....

police asks it.(boy if you dont look like the average arian dude, you better have it in your pocket even more..)

every official instance asks it
insuruance company asks it

i dont know, lots of places ask it. but thats maybe BECAUSE we have to cary it always.
yeah i always foudn the UK very strange. Like, when i movd here from Italy, and in the last 6 years, i have never been required to show ID. Except when i set up my bank account. Actually i'm not even sure, they want gas/water/whatever bills to prove where you live for sure, not sure about real ID...

I had NO passport from 2002 till last week in fact, only my little Italian ID card, which i could use to travel anywhere in Europe. Just got my new passport now in case work requires me to travel outside europe.

Very strange country.
The right to remain anonymous in the eyes of the authorities (specifically the police) is rather important here (or was, it seems it won't be long before that little right is taken away from us, thank you Mr Reid).

The police are public servants, they exist to serve the public, not the other way round. It's not the place of public servants to require us to justify our existence.
While being required to carry an ID, the only times it was ever asked to show it in my whole life were when I was in Belgium or Germany. Abroad. Even on foot or bycicle, without any signs that I was a foreigner. Or when I wanted a (new) ID card, drivers licence or address.