I funked up a .doc I wrote, and have no backup. Help please.

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Yea yea. I know, I'm a dumbass and it's my own fault, and I should live with it blah blah.

Now that that's over with... :D

So here's the deal. I wrote this story, see? I do that sometimes, just for fun. And this time it was written as a stupid fucking doc sitting on my harddrive. Otherwise I always use a text editor that autosaves and makes backups, but this time I was an idiot and just started writing in wordpad and continued despite I knew it would bite me in the ass eventually.

So then I was gonna do some WoW. But windows was being a real bitch, it loaded everything super slow and swapped madly. So I killed the game and was gonna restart the box. So I quit IE (3 instances) and wordpad. It says, "save changes"? Like the idiot I am I hit save, and about 2 seconds later shut off the PC using the UPS power switch... I gambled it'd save the file quickly enough, but of course windows was being swappingmad so when I boot up again the file is dead, basically. There's no contents in it that I can see.

Being a word document, that means it still occupies roughly 125k diskspace, but all the text seems to be gone. Or something. Wonderful, wonderful microsoft and their uber-bloat storage formats...

Is there a program I can run to get my text back, or am I thoroughly fucked here?

*kicks self*
I think you are thoroughly funked. Sorry buddy. I am curious though.....why no OOo...files are teeny....not meaning to start an MSO vs OOo thread I promise!
You can use UltraEdit to get the contents of the file, or use some utility which will convert hex to ASCII. But you'll have to do LOTS of cleanup (formatting, tags etc.)

EDIT: bah, just realized that I had hex-mode on. So you don't need to convert it, just use any text editor to get the contents.
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