I found a planet...

Actually selling the name on ebay might be a good way of getting research funding!

Ehm that what I thought. Come on, every physicist needs a ferrari to properly conduct their research. :LOL:

Seriously, the thought crossed my mind. I mean, the crazy casino owner - the one with the Virgin mary toast - surely misses a planet in hs collection. He'd probably pay good.

Imagine the our space travelling descendants travelling from Coca Cola (TM) to Adidas (TM).
I wanted to name them 'Nigella' and 'Tarquin' but my collaborators wouldn't let me :cry:
One named after a TV chef with a big bottom, and the other after an ill-fated grand moff? HM! :D

Anyway, very very cool news. I'll read the linkie later, after I've calmed down some and had a cup of tea. My home's a shambles, the painter left only about half an hour ago and he'll be back, and back and back and back again. And undoubtedly again after that as well before this is over. :-?
You mean to say that you're 'scientists'?! You get everywhere mate.
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Whilst our Jupiter is almost 700 million km from the Sun and takes some 12 years to complete an orbit, these planets are just a few million km from their stars and take only a couple of days to complete an orbit.
This makes them extremely hot. Indeed, scientists think that of the 200 or so extrasolar planets detected to date, these may be among the hottest of the lot. Wasp-1b's temperature is estimated to be over 1,800C (3,300F).

Reality is always stranger than fiction - amazing stuff!
Now, if nutball could only find where all those odd SOCKS are that disappear when you do laundry....... :D


Hopefully this is just the start of our discoveries, we reckon we're going to find dozens more planets in this way over the next few years. We've just finished commissioning a second telescope in South Africa to cover the southern sky, and the La Palma telescope will keep on covering more of the north (we haven't done it all yet). There are also transit-like signatures which we've detected but haven't been able to get the time on the big telescopes to follow-up yet. We reckon we'll have searched something like 5-10 million stars by the time we're finished.
Chapeau, nutball!

And I agree, that selling the name on e-bay might do more for budgets and general interest than most other things.

Alternatively, can you sell shares/ownership rights? Although you might want a planet that's around the corner for that.

Imaginge the marketing campaigns!

I'm not used to the "me too" posts kind of thing, but you really deserve it.
Let me do it properly by (ab)using the post that I believe translates best to what I mean to say:
sorry said:
A discovery that will outlast us all.

Congrats, and don't forget to post more findings!!