If you used electronic money, and stopped trying to count exact change in cash, you wouldn't have a problem. I would avoid carrying paper and metal in my pocket if I could.
When I travel to most Western countries, I usually Debit/Charge everything.
#1 automatically allows me to import my receipts/bankstatements into Quicken or other financial expense bookeeping program
#2 no need to futz around with counting pennies
I'll take lower sales tax any day if it means I have to do some extra computations. Hiding taxes by adjusting prices allows froggies to be slowly boiled, and sooner or later, you've got a 20%+ sales tax.
When I travel to most Western countries, I usually Debit/Charge everything.
#1 automatically allows me to import my receipts/bankstatements into Quicken or other financial expense bookeeping program
#2 no need to futz around with counting pennies
I'll take lower sales tax any day if it means I have to do some extra computations. Hiding taxes by adjusting prices allows froggies to be slowly boiled, and sooner or later, you've got a 20%+ sales tax.