Fafalada said:
Democoder said:
Why would I want tax "hidden" in the price?
Why would I want to have a nonexistant lower price that I then have to readjust myself?
Especially having to account for different tax in every state/country - the price tag is supposed to be there to tell me how much something costs.
Maybe because I'd like to know how much an item really costs vs how much the government is getting, and because I might want to either a) get a refund on the tax or b) avoid it entirely via the black market
When I travel in many countries, the "real price" for me is the price without the VAT/TVA/GST because I can get most of it refunded.
In the US, when someone is selling say, a video card for $200, I can usually get it and avoid sales tax by buying it from a state with sales tax, so for me, the sales tax is optional. Shipping costs are the real tax, but many places offer free shipping too.
Perhaps you would advocate that online prices simply "build in" the price of shipping for the same reason. After all, a $200 monitor bought online really isn't the same as a $200 monitor bought at a local store right? And of course, when buying a car, there are lots of fees that come with it too. Perhaps the lifetime maintainence should be factored into the sticker price as well.
Let's just dumb down everything so that the only thing people need to do to make financial decisions is to compare a single scalar value.
Are you people really so sheepish that you want important financial information hidden from view, rather than having it all available and doing the fourth grade math yourselves?
Actually that's also done in a number of European countries
Yay, they pay no income taxes at all. Tra-la-la. I personally like it beings rather clear that the government is taking 40+% of my income, rather than it being encrypted and obfuscated being creative accounting.