I am building a new system... feedback requested :)


Artist formerly known as Acert93

My brother has requested that I build new system and I wanted to run over our HW selections with the [Edit: B3D community; ;) ] for some tweaking before purchase and assembly. The primary uses for this system will be gaming, school work, movies, some minor web work, and internet browsing. His main desires are a small form factor (he frequently travels to friends' homes with his current system) and good performance in 3D games with an eye toward possible upgradeability (this is secondary).

Based on the reviews I have read, the Shuttle SN95G5 seems to have good cooling and be a quality SFF setup. I chose the AMD64 because it excels in most apps, especially games, and with the 64bit edition of Windows coming sooner than later this seemed to be by far the best choice. The 90nm 3200+ seems to be a solid performer with a great performance:cost ratio (not to mention a great overclocker). The 939 platform was selected because of dual channel memory support (not a huge issue with AMD, but still nice), it is the platform AMD will be focusing on in the coming year, and will be the platform in which dual core AMD CPUs will be released.

The below are the parts we are tentatively looking at:

MB/CASE: Shuttle SN95G5; Socket 939, dual channel memory, NVIDIA nForce3 Ultra chipset
• $315 Newegg.com

CPU: AMD64 3200+ 90nm
• $196 Newegg.com

RAM: 1GB (2x512MB) Mushkin DDR400 (2.5-3-3)
• $137 Newegg.com

• $249 Outpost.com

HDD: WD SATA 160GB 7200RPM (8MB Cache, 8.9ms access time)
• $95 Newegg.com

DVD+-RW: Aopen 16X Double Layer DVD+/- RW Black Burner
• $59 Newegg.com

Monitor/KB/MS/SPK he already has. He will be getting Windows XP Pro from his school at a discount price. Total cost is going to be about $1,200.

Some questions:

(1) Are there any AMD Socket 939 & PCI-Express Small Form Factor's available? Reviews? PCI-Express would be nice because it would open a better GPU upgrade path for the future.

(2) If we are able to go PCI Express, are there any cards out now (or in the coming 2 weeks max) that will perform similar/better than the 6800 OC for $250 or lower? The best bet I have seen so far is the 6600GT PCI Express for $180. Any news on the new X850/X800 cards and when they will be available?

(3) The Mushkin RAM (DDR400, 2x512MB, 2.5-3-3) is a fairly good deal for $137. Any recommendations for reliable RAM cheaper or faster RAM for under $150?

(4) We are looking at the 6800 OC for a number of reasons. It tends to outperform the 6600GT at most settings, especially at higher resolutions (and with AA/AF) because of the substantial difference in memory bandwidth. It seems the ~$30 difference (~$220 to ~$250) is justifiable. Any thoughts?

(5) He is looking at a DVD-+RW. Any recommendations that are better than the http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc.asp?description=27-140-115&DEPA=1]above selection[/url] for the same price range?

(6) The Shuttle SN95G5 has 6 USB ports: 2 in the front, 2 in the back, and 2 internal. How are the internal ones accessed?

(7) Are there any good deals on HDD out there? Maybe high performing/cheap 120GB or some great deals on quick 200GB/250GB or larger drives?

(8) Are there other small form factor setups you would recommend for the 939 platform?

(9) The 90nm 3200+ is known as a great overclocker (a lot of people are taking it to 2500MHz and even 2600MHz). Any feedback on whether OCing, and how much, will be possible on such a small box? Obviously this is a small space with limited ventilation, but just curious if anyone has any solid information on this.

(9) Feel free to give other feedback, ideas, and recommendations.

Thanks for your time and feedback :)
You'll probably have to wait for PCI-Express in the small form factor for (at least) a few months. It looks like a pretty good system, although I'd probably get faster memory if you are going to do some O/C action. :)
If you're going to do PCI-Express and your budget is hanging around $250 for the video card, anybody would tell you that the (either soon-to-be or just released) Radeon x800XL is a great investment. $299, and it performs similarly to a 6800GT.

Probably the best P/P:R by a mile, considering it's $100 less than the 6800GT! Very much worth the $50 difference.
Blade said:
If you're going to do PCI-Express and your budget is hanging around $250 for the video card, anybody would tell you that the (either soon-to-be or just released) Radeon x800XL is a great investment. $299, and it performs similarly to a 6800GT.

I have read the paper launch stuff for the X850/new X800 series stuff, and while exciting, I will get more excited once it hits shelves in quanities ;) When it comes to GPU product releases you can almost always wait for the next card because by the time the first cards hit the market, the new cards are already paper released. Ok, that is a small exagerration, but not much. The X800XL looks REALLY nice, especially at $300. I will be more excited when I can buy one (did not find a single one out on pricewatch or a quick google search).

I did find 1 MB that was 939/PCI-Express that was Micro-ATX. The big worry there is heat. Shuttle has a killer heatpipe design.

Ps- the link to the GameSpot info on the 939 / PCI-Express Shuttle is appreciated. Thanks! Is outside my brother's time frame, BUT may be just in time for my next system! Only fear is it said the 5 fans were loud :? The SN95G5 is actually pretty quiet.
hovz said:
as long as you avoid intel like the plague you will be fine.

Hmmm Intel chips are not all bad. A lot of happy P4 2.4GHz users/overclockers out there ;)

Also, Intel chips are good at some things, like video editing. There is no doubt the AMD64 series is better in games right now, but then again the P4 was head and shoulders above the XP series for games just 18-24months ago. And there is more to a system than the CPU--I have always been more happy with Intel MB chipsets in the past compared to AMD, thus the integrated memory controller is a big plus for AMD in my eyes. AMD MB/Chipsets + features (or lack thereof) have often been a reason to avoid them like the plague in the past ;) So it all depends on your needs, budget, and timeframe.

The biggest problem with Intel right now is their chips are not ramping up (hit the proverbial wall) and heat. Obviously heat is a BIG issue for any small form factor system; and the fact the AMD64 is faster at games (a core use for my brother's system) and be Windows 64bit Edition friendly are all perks
I'd recomend looking at a gig of mid-tier memory over 512Mb of top-shelf stuff.

The newer games really like a gig a whole lot better, and I feel that trend will continue.
Acert93 said:
hovz said:
as long as you avoid intel like the plague you will be fine.

Hmmm Intel chips are not all bad. A lot of happy P4 2.4GHz users/overclockers out there ;)

Also, Intel chips are good at some things, like video editing. There is no doubt the AMD64 series is better in games right now, but then again the P4 was head and shoulders above the XP series for games just 18-24months ago. And there is more to a system than the CPU--I have always been more happy with Intel MB chipsets in the past compared to AMD, thus the integrated memory controller is a big plus for AMD in my eyes. AMD MB/Chipsets + features (or lack thereof) have often been a reason to avoid them like the plague in the past ;) So it all depends on your needs, budget, and timeframe.

The biggest problem with Intel right now is their chips are not ramping up (hit the proverbial wall) and heat. Obviously heat is a BIG issue for any small form factor system; and the fact the AMD64 is faster at games (a core use for my brother's system) and be Windows 64bit Edition friendly are all perks

i dont ever recall the pentium beating the athlon in gaming except for the 2 or 3 month gap between when the 3.2c launched and the a64 launched.
digitalwanderer said:
Oh, and btw....this isn't Tom's. :?

Doh! :oops: I posted this there first and then thought, "Hey, some of the guys and gals at B3D may be able to give some feedback also". Opps!

Yeah, definately going for 1GB of RAM. I have 1GB in my system and it was a big step up for performance over 512MB for load times and multitasking.
Acert93 said:
Yeah, definately going for 1GB of RAM. I have 1GB in my system and it was a big step up for performance over 512MB for load times and multitasking.
Good call. Unless you're going for some truly serious OCing most average ram performs as well as the top-shelf stuff.

But between 512Mb & 1 gig there is just a world of difference! (In some games, some you can't tell)
I wouldn't buy anything - for new system - with no PCI-E, especially not a mobo+case over $300... :oops:
It's really a wasted money: more than $300 for something you can't upgrade later? That's insane.

I have NF3 Ultra-based system, it's fine but I bought it ~half year ago.
Today I'd buy something like mine but based on NF4 only.

I suggest you wait 1-2 weeks until volume NF4 mobo shipments arrive and then you can start searching for mini form factor-sized mobos, cases.