How to deal with fanboy-syndrome


I think I might have fanboy syndrome.

When I look at certain consoles or games, I feel as if they are better designed, have better production value, better graphics. I think this can be objectively measured.
But, other people tell me otherwise. So I thought, what if it was all in my head? Maybe the other games have better graphics, but still, I cannot see it :cry:

I think everything can be objectively compared, that why I think I am always right. But how can you tell who is right??
I think I might have fanboy syndrome.

When I look at certain consoles or games, I feel as if they are better designed, have better production value, better graphics. I think this can be objectively measured.
But, other people tell me otherwise. So I thought, what if it was all in my head? Maybe the other games have better graphics, but still, I cannot see it :cry:

I think everything can be objectively compared, that why I think I am always right. But how can you tell who is right??

What is exactly the problem in being a fanboy? Whole companies are based on their customers being loyal fanboys (apple!)...consoles exist because of fanboys supporting it from day one (i.e. early adopters) and paying whatever they have to!
What is exactly the problem in being a fanboy? Whole companies are based on their customers being loyal fanboys (apple!)...consoles exist because of fanboys supporting it from day one (i.e. early adopters) and paying whatever they have to!

That might be true, but how do you know what's real and what's not?
That might be true, but how do you know what's real and what's not?

Does it matter? I think overall fanbois and girls are happier and more positive then us grumpy "real politik" people.

I don't think I've ever been a true fan of something. Yeah, I've supported certain sports teams, music artists and styles and games... but I've also been very harsh critic as soon as they do something I'm not happy about. I'd much rather be positive and see past the obvious flaws.
Being a fanboy is cheering on your team/brand/product etc. it's fun and encourages bigger better things. It's when it goes overboard where you become delusional and ignore the negatives and pretend they don't exist is when you may need to step back and seek psychiatric evaluation.

I think everything can be objectively compared

This is false.

Maybe parts of everything can be objectively compared but the whole cannot

For instance you can compare two paintings one uses 16 million colors vs the other that uses 2 colors...depending on the subject matter of those paintings a viewer may prefer one over the other.
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Being a fanboy is cheering on your team/brand/product etc. it's fun and encourages bigger better things. It's when it goes overboard where you become delusional and ignore the negatives and pretend they don't exist is when you may need to step back and seek psychiatric evaluation.

This is false.

Maybe parts of everything can be objectively compared but the whole cannot

For instance you can compare two paintings one uses 16 million colors vs the other that uses 2 colors...depending on the subject matter of those paintings a viewer may prefer one over the other.

that is true, though still fanboy-syndrome can play a part.

For example: if they say person X made the 2 color painting, the Y-fan would say: blergh, no color, what artistic crap!
But if he were to think that his beloved Y was responsible it could be: wow such talent how he portrays it with only 2 colors
It's when it goes overboard where you become delusional and ignore the negatives and pretend they don't exist is when you may need to step back and seek psychiatric evaluation.
Not sure psychiatric evaluation is precisely what is needed (a good whack upside the head might suffice? :))... Anyway, you also very frequently see fanboys inventing/imagining features and/or advantages that just aren't there, or not in the form they imagine. Seen that like fifty million times here on this board over the years, I think. I may be counting low, in fact.
What is it exactly that you have such a rager for SlimJim?

I just like the system that's the best. And I don't want the other One to succeed :???:

When I would read about Xbox-fanboys speculating on how a "Data Move Engine" could lead to massive performance increases, or how there would be secret hardware (or "sauce"), I just get a big, big smile on my face.
Just now I read that in Germany the Xbox One is 'discounted' , in the way that you can choose any 2 games for free, as well as get 1 year of xbox live for free, not to mention 3 years of extended warranty. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Xbox fanboys still believing that MS will turn everything around.

But I want to get better, and want every system to succeed. But there are no good or interesting games so it's really difficult :cry:
Please, do not post about how you want this-or-that system to not succeed, keep that to yourself. There are other boards for that sort of thing if you want to revel in the religious worship of dead things that do not love you back.

There's room for more than one console. It's even desireable to have more than one console, if there was no choice then the only choice would be stagnation and mediocrity at best. Think cold war eastern european automobiles here, for example.
Uplay is AFAIK just ubi's evil DRM, and nobody (except the evil overlords at ubi) would miss it at all if it went away permanently. Literally, nothing at all of any value would be deprived humanity if it were to happen.

Origin I personally don't care for (for historical reasons, and because EA is EA), but people can use it as much as they want, I would just prefer EA to sell their games on steam also. As long as they refuse I simply will not buy their shit. :p
Uplay is AFAIK just ubi's evil DRM, and nobody (except the evil overlords at ubi) would miss it at all if it went away permanently. Literally, nothing at all of any value would be deprived humanity if it were to happen.

Origin I personally don't care for (for historical reasons, and because EA is EA), but people can use it as much as they want, I would just prefer EA to sell their games on steam also. As long as they refuse I simply will not buy their shit. :p
Uplay is AFAIK just ubi's evil DRM, and nobody (except the evil overlords at ubi) would miss it at all if it went away permanently. Literally, nothing at all of any value would be deprived humanity if it were to happen.

Origin I personally don't care for (for historical reasons, and because EA is EA), but people can use it as much as they want, I would just prefer EA to sell their games on steam also. As long as they refuse I simply will not buy their shit. :p

This summarizes Uplay and Origin for me as well and is probably mirrored by countless others around the world. In fact this summary should be quoted on every forum everywhere, irrespective of whether it's remotely gaming related.
Yeah, but others might have similar feelings against other things or companies and their policies for various reasons, why should they have to keep things to themselves? Just asking a question here.

How is for example asking EA, the largest(?) publisher in the world to pay royalties (probably not insignificant sum of money) to Valve on their own games. They should just succumb to them? From their position? I mean I would very much like to have their games on there too, if only to perhaps getting better prices on them during sales and I agree that EA has done so many shitty decisions/actions that it's hard to argue for them, but blaming them for bad practices or features or asking them to pay royalties to Valve is not significantly different than wanting a console to fail due its features or design decisions imo.

Despite seeing lot's of annoying fanboy shit in the console section where 80% of certain peoples post are either pro or con against a console in very subjective matters, I don't think it's fanboy-syndrome if you call a console out for its shitty features and want it to fail because of them. I do want things to fail if they are offering exactly what I don't want and if I believe their success will shape the console landscape negatively and vice versa.

I don't post this in the console section, because people run with quite an amount of emotion there, but I also want the Xbox One to fail, but I didn't want to want it to fail... I wanted it to be different and succeed.
Having to pay for stuff like Youtube watching or Internet browsing is annoying, but I could live with the Xbox Live Gold thing, what I can't live with it is the 12 CU/$499/Kinect trifecta of Satan. Actually the 12CUs is the problem. I did not wait 8 years for a new console to get so miniscule power jump. Sony really didn't set the bar high there, they really didn't, but MS still managed to go lower...

Let's just say I preferred them to go higher and until they do I won't buy their shit.
It's so hard when comparing things nowadays. They all just too similar. Even those that have big enough different in quality also hard to get which one is the truth.

It's feels like when my friends comparing forza and GT all over again
How is for example asking EA, the largest(?) publisher in the world to pay royalties (probably not insignificant sum of money) to Valve on their own games. They should just succumb to them? From their position?

The royalty rate is 30%. That's a metric ton of cash to be giving up.

That should give everyone an idea as to why not all games will be on Steam and why other companies are rolling their own DD systems.
You don't think a publisher like EA would have room for negotiation on this point...?

Without an alternative no, where is the leverage?
Besides, you negotiate with one publisher, you set a new baseline, a and every other publisher will want a similar deal.