How to be fat?

Really guys? Do I need to explicitly request pictures, and then show you what kind of physique you should strive for? (yes, mine, obvs)
I agree. Are you eating properly Davros? I don't think you can be if that weight is correct. :/ I hope your scales are broken.
That's a BMI of 16.3. That's alert your doctor to find out if something is wrong level.

Orangepelupa on the other hand comes to 21.3 BMI, which is pretty much perfect. I've got 21.6.
30yo 176cm 90Kg and I never caught more women staring at me than I do now.

Perhaps it's just the dad bod trend :(
30yo 176cm 90Kg and I never caught more women staring at me than I do now.

Women, people in general, can stare at you for multiple reasons, not necessarily that they flirt with you.

Sometimes I look at people and they are confused... I like to look at people as a sign of greeting, that I do notice their presence and they notice mine.

But in many cases they are silly and make the wrong conclusions and judgements.
Women, people in general, can stare at you for multiple reasons, not necessarily that they flirt with you.

Sometimes I look at people and they are confused... I like to look at people as a sign of greeting, that I do notice their presence and they notice mine.

But in many cases they are silly and make the wrong conclusions and judgements.


I'm at a point in my life where I don't really care why they're staring: married, wife is in (very) late (first) pregnancy.

They could be staring at my horrendous figure, or just wondering dumbfounded how a guy like me got a wedding ring, and I wouldn't care less. It doesn't really matter.
Ooh, just calculated my BMI as 27.1 so the figures indicate I'm marginally overweight. I could perhaps do with losing 5 or 6 lbs of fat from my middle (my love of good beer doesn't make this easy!), but overweight? Nah.

BMI isn't a great measure as it does tend to ignore your build - I'm pretty mesomorphic so would probably almost have been classified as obese 5 or so years ago when I was 7 or 8 lbs heavier but with less fat on me. If I exercise quite a lot, my weight hasn't tended to change very much over the past decade or so - I just stay a similar weight but become more muscular. On the other hand, I have a friend who would probably be classified as underweight using BMI though he's as fit as a fiddle and couldn't put on or lose weight if he tried. A bundle of nervous energy, who seems to burn through everything he eats.

I'm not bothered about my weight/BMI but, now I'm in my early 40s, I could certainly do with getting a bit fitter, however, which is why I've recently started on the rowing machine once again. Hope my mildly bad back holds up a bit better than last time when I ricked it a few weeks into my fitness regime. Just need to try not to overdo it this time. Easier said than done as a stupid part of brain obviously takes over when I'm exercising so I tend to push it too hard!
How would they know that you are rich ?

Because he dresses like this:


Imagine that + very good looks.
Instant success.