How often do you empty your bowels?

I empty my bowels once a day.
The usual case is during the night just before taking a shower and after a session of pulling the tiger over the mask.

It's usually about 9pm. Yesterday is was at 8:38pm.

When I go bowelling I frequently stick sharp objects into my rectum to make it all come out.
One a day, usually in the morning, but sometimes in the evening. However, if I am stressed, I might miss a day. I usually have a high fibre breakfast, so there are never log-jams in the tubing. I mean, if William Shatner says it's a good idea, then it must be! :p
About once a day. Used to be much less, as I had constipation for some months on end. Well, don't do that. It gets very, very painful if you let it go too long. Raisin bran is your friend.
67 times per day. And it arrives in whacky colors and animal shapes like play dough, which I then display proudly on my mantle.
I do it when my body tells me it's time. Also, I don't keep track of how many times I do it during a given period.
As I type this ... <HHHhhnnnggGGggGG!!!1!> that's better.

More seriously, 0930Z. I work on UTC because it's universal time, so I'll be regular regardless of where I end up in the Universe.