How many man-hours per year does B3D suck?


3dfx Fan
A very interesting statistic would be the number of words typed into posts on B3D during the posting geography's working hours. I'd wager that we B3Ders suck a substantial number of man hours into these forums at our desks taking a paycheck, no?

A very interesting statistic would be the number of words typed into posts on B3D during the posting geography's working hours. I'd wager that we B3Ders suck a substantial number of man hours into these forums at our desks taking a paycheck, no?


Do you think these people would be working if they weren't on B3D? They'd just be at some other forum or playing a game or something. Blame their boring job, not the website. :)
Totally read the title in a different way. ;)

"Suck Up" might have been a better choice of wording :p
In the days of tabbed browsing, it's just so much easier to have multiple web pages open while seeming productive.

Having said that, I pretty much never B3D while at home any more. It's my work-day hobby now. Terrible, I know, but hey, you have to fill those hours somehow :)
Isn't it part of your job to have the most up to date and accurate informations about the technologies/chip you're using or planning to use ?