How does the path tracer know the light position and illumination in Wavefront .obj?

In the path tracing algorithm, in every ray-object intersection, the shadow ray must be found from that point to the light source. In addition, the light path should end once it hits a light source.
  • If I assume the scene has multiple area lights with emissive properties, then I guess it is encoded in the material (.mtl) file of the wavefront .obj file. Is it okay to use the vertex position data to find the light source from the intersection point?
  • But if I imagine a scene with multiple point light sources (explicit), then how the position and illumination of the light sources are defined? How the ray-object intersection point will find it?

In the path tracing algorithm, in every ray-object intersection, the shadow ray must be found from that point to the light source.
The shadow ray is optional. You don't need shadow rays to calculate correct images, the paths alone are enough.
But it's very slow ofc. Paths which do not hit some light by luck are just wasted work and won't contribute at all.
Still, because there is no uncertainty about light selection, it can be easier to get started and may be good enough if you only need reference images.

If I assume the scene has multiple area lights with emissive properties, then I guess it is encoded in the material (.mtl) file of the wavefront .obj file. Is it okay to use the vertex position data to find the light source from the intersection point?
I assume that's a topic with many options.
The standard method eventually is to generate a random point on the surface of the light. Picking a random vertex for that is not an exact representation, you should pick a random triangle and then a random point on this triangle.
However, doing this does not guarantee any statistical distribution of the samples, since our distribution now depends on the varying resolution of the mesh.
To compensate, i assume it's possible to introduce some weighting term based on triangle area. I assume resources like the free PBRT book go into details.

Sharing the question, i think of another simplified example: We have a spherical area light.
To pick a sample, we can calculate a random point on its surface, and here achieving a uniform distribution is easy.
But - as seen from the shading point, such uniform surface distribution is not what we want. It causes more samples at he shilhouette of the sphere, so the distribution is not really uniform, but rather has some unwanted cosine term.
To fix this, we could replace the sphere with a circle / disk instead, which is the intersection of the cone from the shading point to the sphere light. The cone represents solid angle, and uniform samples on the disk give us the desired uniform distribution as seen from the shading point.

But, although easy for sphere lights, i have never seen such attempts in code examples i have looked up. And to me this light sampling stuff remains the biggest question mark about path tracing as well, so i can not really help other than confirming it's good questions. : )
I wonder if it's common to accept some error here, as it's likely not noticeable anyway. But usually PT guys get mad if you mention errors, and i have not really looked for deeper insights on the topic.

  • But if I imagine a scene with multiple point light sources (explicit), then how the position and illumination of the light sources are defined? How the ray-object intersection point will find it?
You can not hope to hit a point light by random luck, so in this case shadow rays are required.
The trivial method is to pick one or N random light(s) from all in the scene, and shoot the shadow ray to each selected light.
This becomes inefficient with many lights, as it's likely the picked light is not visible from the shading point. We saw all kinds of improvements, ranging from light cuts to restir. To support large scenes, i would consider a combination of both ideas eventually. But for now we're surely happy if we can avoid a need for another spatial acceleration structure just to find nearby lights. (Quake 2 RTX even uses the existing BSP data structure to find lights, iirc.)

The illumination model is likely the same we use for point lights with traditional rasterization. Likely we will still introduce a clipping falloff, so a light has influence only over a certain max distance.
That's not correct ofc. But does not matter. All that matter is that you can claim your estimators are gloriously 'unbiased'. \:D/
The shadow ray is optional. You don't need shadow rays to calculate correct images, the paths alone are enough.

Thanks, @JoeJ for the in-depth explanation. I have an additional question here, path tracing is all about the global illumination = direct light + indirect light. Now, if we ignore the shadow light, and rely on only the indirect light, may be the result will be pleasant, but will it be called global illumination then?
Thanks, @JoeJ for the in-depth explanation. I have an additional question here, path tracing is all about the global illumination = direct light + indirect light. Now, if we ignore the shadow light, and rely on only the indirect light, may be the result will be pleasant, but will it be called global illumination then?
Some confusion here, because not doing shadow rays (= next event estimation) does not miss direct lighting. Results are equivalent. Next event estimation is just a lot faster. I still recommend to start without optimizations, so you already have a reference image when adding the optimizations later. It helps to minimize uncertainty along the way and causes no extra work.

But i assume you have a test scene where all light comes form area lights, e.g. Cornell Box with its box light. It's a good GI test scene because it shows color bleeding and area shadows, and we can render it in reasonable time also without next event estimation or russian roulette.

Say we do do five bounces. Our path hits the box, the left wall, the right, the other box, finally it hits the light.
That's ideal, because the light so illuminates all our path segments and we get bounces across the entire path.

Another path goes box, other box, light, wall, other wall.
Problem: Our latter hits on the walls receive no lighting and are thus wasted work.

Another path does not hit the light at all, just boxes and walls, which is the worst case. All work spend on ray tracing was for nothing, and this worst case happens a lot actually.

And that's the motivation to introduce shadow rays. It's not really about capturing direct lighting, which we do anyway for examples 1 and 2.
I would even say it's not helpful to make a mental difference between direct and indirect lighting at all, since imo it only adds confusion once we want to get everything right and correct.
No - we only observe most of our work spent is for nothing, and we want to fix that.

Usually light sources are sparse in our scenes, and usually we know where those lights are, so we come up with the following optimization:
At each hitpoint, we trace a shadow ray to some light source. And if it is not shadowed, we can add the lights contribution, also affecting all the former vertices in our path.
Now the chances that an entire path is not lit at all are very small. Most work we spend on tracing will help to integrate towards the correct solution, and we're happy.

That's all about it. It's not related to physics or optics at all. It is an optimization for technical reasons. At least i prefer to look at it this way.
But it raises questions like 'Is it really statistically correct to pick a random light? And can we improve this eventually by making a better choice? Also, how should i distribute my random samples on the light surface, while still guaranteeing statistical correctness with integrating all samples?' etc. It becomes a lot more complicated.

The same applies even more for a rich material model. If we use just Lambert diffuse for everything, importance sampling is obvious and simple. But if we want complex materials to implement some PBS standard, it becomes very difficult to generate random reflection rays which corretly integrate all those complex terms like roughness, fresnel, etc. And you loose the option to compare your render with a reference generated with some other offline renderer, because everybody has his own PBS standard, varying in details. I've tried this quickly, and seemingly i got it to work. But i can't be sure if it's right or wrong. If i want to become an expert with PT, i would need to invest much more time to learn all that's needed to become certain.

Unlike with hacky rasterization gfx, when working on PT you really get obsessed about correctness eventually. That's fun and interesting, but ideally you start with minimized complexity so you can add more things one after another, avoiding to pile up too many doubts.
In my experience this means: No optimizations, no analytical light sources just area lights, no complex materials just diffuse.
This way the basic PT algorithm is intuitive, and making reference images from other programs is easy. That's a good start without countless details raising doubts.