How do you warm Sake?


I got a nice bottle of Sake from my brother and it says to serve it chilled or warm. Since it's turning to fall I was thinking about warming it, so I was wondering how you are supposed to properly warm it and if there is a way to only warm some of it.
I got a nice bottle of Sake from my brother and it says to serve it chilled or warm.

Actually that depends on the sake. Some are better served cold, others are drunk warm. Moreover, it depends on your taste buds as well.
We put sake in hot water to warm it. Using microwave oven seems to be a very stupid idea.
No microwave, it destroys the taste and reduces the alc (since it evaporizes faster than the water).
I'm surprised that nobody else has mentioned the obvious. Sake is horrible. You need to be drunk to drink it! :smile:
No, you are thinking of tequila.

Nope. I actually don't mind the odd tequila once in a while, as long as it's not the nastiest cheapest stuff, but Sake was not very nice on the (admittedly two) occasions I had some.

Perhaps it's just because it was warmed - got to admit I'm not a great fan of mulled wine or Irish coffee either!