How do you take your coffee?


The whole "England giving up tea" thread got me to wondering about it, but I felt it worthy of a new thread so all the coffee drinkers can see it.

I used to drink it black, but about a decade and a half ago started drinking it sweet and light since it was about all the calories I'd get during my days for a while and it kind of stuck.

I still take it sweet and light, and lots and plenty of it every day.


OMG, wicked strange thought; is there anyone here who doesn't drink coffee?
Only coffee coming out of a espresso machine for me. Sweet, mostly no milk. Alternativly, I also like coffee the way it's made in Turkey and on the Balcans - boiling water, throw coffee into the water, stir, reboil. Essentialy the same taste as espresso.

I can't stand filtered coffee, though...
I don't drink coffee. I really don't have a taste for it.

I drink green tea. Decaff, no sugar, no milk. Just straight.
strong with a bit of milk and sugar

at work. black drab from a obscure machine from the 60's
I get my coffee beans imported directly from Columbia (sometimes Ethiopia), then toast them myself, crush them, then leave them settle for 2 weeks, then i can have my coffee.
london-boy said:
I get my coffee beans imported directly from Columbia (sometimes Ethiopia), then toast them myself, crush them, then leave them settle for 2 weeks, then i can have my coffee.
Doesn't that make you 2 weeks late for work each morning? :?
You shouldn't let it sit, L-B; the oils in the coffee beans will oxidize and go rancid, and you'll lose flavor. Grind only as much as you can consume for a few days and then make more later. Store in a (small) airtight container for best results.

Well, "best results" is sort of a misnomer really when it comes to coffee, as everybody knows it tastes blecchhh... So why am I giving you advice anyway? ;)
PenguinJim said:
london-boy said:
I get my coffee beans imported directly from Columbia (sometimes Ethiopia), then toast them myself, crush them, then leave them settle for 2 weeks, then i can have my coffee.
Doesn't that make you 2 weeks late for work each morning? :?

Yeah. That's how it works in London didn't you know?
Black and with little sugar.
Milk if available, and with less sugar. (milk seems to sweeten it enough).

Do you guys drink coffee during your meals? I've seen this alot in Seinfeld and other movies/series, and just don't get it.
mito said:
Do you guys drink coffee during your meals? I've seen this alot in Seinfeld and other movies/series, and just don't get it.
I do, quite often. I drink a lot of coffee now, but I used to drink a whole lot of coffee before my heart attack.

Seriously, I'd start my morning with a cup and just keep drinking it all day and night up until a couple of hours before bedtime. :?
The only way I take coffee is strong, black and no sugar. Coincidentally, the only times I ever take coffee is when I need something with a burnt/rotten wood taste to keep me awake. :LOL:

london-boy said:
How do you take your coffee?
UP THE....

There is this rediculous cancer treatment called gerson therapy invented in the thirties before much at all was known about cancer, it involves coffee enemas and eating lots and lots of fruit.
Nescaffe with milk.... lots of sugar, not too hot....(at home)

but i can settle for any coffee if needed.... sometimes i drink 5-6 a day....
soylent said:
There is this rediculous cancer treatment called gerson therapy invented in the thirties before much at all was known about cancer, it involves coffee enemas and eating lots and lots of fruit.
How come you know this? :LOL: