How best to spend $1K bonus check

John Reynolds

Ecce homo
Rather unexpected, and even more so was the wife's compliance in how I spend it. So, how to spend this money on upgrading my main gaming rig, currently a A8N SLI Deluxe system with a FX-55 and two 512MB sticks of Corsair DDR400 (2-2-2-5 timings)? I'm thinking of boosting that RAM up to 2 GB total for Battlefield 2 and EverQuest 2 (and probably Oblivion this fall), but I've heard populating all four DIMM slots is a bad idea for performance, which means I'd need to buy two 1 GB sticks (roughly $300 for decent RAM) and just remove the 512MB sticks. I'm also thinking about buying a 7800 GTX since I've been striking out laying hands on a review sample for SimHQ. And then there's the new sound chip/card from Creative due out this fall, and AGEIA's PPU this winter.
If you're going to go memory I'd agree that two sticks of one gig each would be better. I can't say I'm seeing a significant different between 1 & 2 gigs though (yet). I tried running 4 sticks but ran into memory controller limitations . I went with OCZ's Platinum memory. I haven't started o/c'ing it, so I can't comment on that end of the equation.

I did plunk down the money for a 7800 (last card was an X800XT), and that did make a difference. I run all of my games @ 1600x1200 with AAx2-4, and ASx16 all the time now. Looks VERY nice IMHO. I'm pretty much waiting on the Creative sound card as well, but I figure that will only set me back anywhere from $100-150.

I'm not going to comment on AGEIA's stuff yet. I think it could be like Gigabytes iRAM card as far as it's usefullness goes. Time will tell the tale on that one I think....

Here's my sys specs just for reference:
Epox 9NPA+Ultra mobo
AMD 3700+ SanDiego CPU
2 Gb OCZ Platinum matched memory modules
Creative Audigy2 ZS sound card.
EVGA 7800GTX video card.
2 WD Raptors (RAID 0)
1 Seagate 7800.8 250Gb drive

I'd like to see you do a memory upgrade purely for selfish reasons (turn it into a review) or a combination of a few things perhaps... :)
i like the ppu idea coming, but wonder what bang we'll get early on in games...if any retro bang at all?

i like the fx55 idea. (depending on what you have already)....i could sure use it.

im an ati guy (i guess, very happy with 9700pro), but if crossfire doesn't leap past SLI, i may give them a try next the 7800 was quite a leap from the 6800ultra. so far it seems ati's (unrelased) stuff doesn't stack up to it.

my conumdrum (working it out) is regarding the dx10 leap....put off my next killer rig till end of 06, and upgrade my dinosaur (cpu at least and wait) or do a middle of the road new rig.

trouble is, i don't wanna end up with 5 pcs in my house and still 'wanting' something else.
Considering the computer you already have, I say spend that money elsewhere. Take your family out somewhere nice or even take a short vacation.

Or you could just blow it on a 24" LCD, assuming you don't already have one, which you probably do considering you have an FX-55.
ANova said:
Or you could just blow it on a 24" LCD, assuming you don't already have one, which you probably do considering you have an FX-55.

Well, the FX-55 is a review sample from AMD so I didn't buy it with my own money. I try to avoid talking about that stuff since I don't want to come off as bragging. I did, however, buy a Dell 2001FP LCD a few months ago, so I'm happy in that area.
Do the right thing, blow at least half of it on a nice present for your wife for being so cool about letting you spend it how you want.

I'm serious. Get her a spa coupon for a massage, you'd be amazed at how happy that seems to make 'em. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
A grand would buy a nice weekend away for you two if you have someone to watch your daughter... ;)

Our anniversary is coming up and that was already planned.

I'm leaning toward the memory. 2GB made a noticeable difference in EQ2 with the way I configure the game. Wonder if ChrisRay has done any EQ2 testing with his 7800 GTX?
digitalwanderer said:
Go more for $350, I've heard it's worth it to pay extry for some of the good stuff. (I've never tried it before myself, but I am this time)

Heh, the RAM I've got sitting in the test system goes for $117 per 512MB stick. Ouch.
Is the FX-55 similar to the Venice cores, in that it allows for all four banks to be populated without penalty? If not (that Xbit article should provide the answer), I guess 2x1GB is the way to go. Or maybe sell the FX55 and get a Venice or San Diego core that'll let you add another pair of 512MB sticks?

You system looks like it could put a 7800GTX to good use, but I'd only suggest it if you can get that ~$470 BFG deal at Dell. Otherwise, I'd probably wait for R520, and maybe news of R580 and nV's 90nm line. Actually, I believe the wait for delivery for that Dell deal is into September, so you won't have a choice if you don't want to spend above $500. :)
Pete said:
Is the FX-55 similar to the Venice cores, in that it allows for all four banks to be populated without penalty? If not (that Xbit article should provide the answer), I guess 2x1GB is the way to go. Or maybe sell the FX55 and get a Venice or San Diego core that'll let you add another pair of 512MB sticks?

If I went the 4x512MB route I'd use the X2 4800+ I have. I'm just reeling from the cost of 1GB sticks with decent timings. Hmm, maybe 1 GB total system memory is fine for this year. :cool:
Why are you using the FX-55 if you have an X2 4800+? Surely the latter is better.

Needless to say, I'm a bit jealous.
I'm with ANova: sell the FX while it'll fetch a nice price and use the X2-4800+. Sure, stick with 1GB for now--or sell yours and load up on "regular" CAS2.5/3 PC3200.

Are RAM timings that important? $117 a stick is more than twice as expensive as "regular" RAM. Ditching the expensive stuff can net you either double the regular stuff or a faster CPU/GPU. Seems like any of those would net you a bigger benefit than tighter timings, no?

Or are you OCing the bejesus out of that FX?