HotChips 17 - More info upcoming on CELL & PS3

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Sure, but no one ever argued that. In fact, the incorrect "cut and dry" argument turned out to be "more cores = less yield"?

So what if none argued that? Arguing in a vacuum is pretty stupid just like the cut and dry statement that defects are directly related to die size. Regardless the original statement was more cores AND larger die size so stop trying to shift the goal posts.

But we were discussing yields, not cost per chip. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if CELL turns out to be more expensive than XeCPU but that's irrelevant to the earlier discussion.

LMAO, cost is related to yields.
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Nobody is talking about HotChips 17's papers, and the discussion about redundancy logic in ICs is going nowhere obviously (All the arguments were repeated at least thrice in this thread, talk about redundancy ;) ).
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