Hitler gets banned from XBL

It's pretty amusing how the same crazed rant have been used so many different times.

I've only seen this one and the flight simulator one and the flight sim is the better version. But this one's pretty funny too. :LOL:

Thanks for linking to it again hehe.
It would have been a lot funnier if the German text would have been dubbed to say what the subtitles brought across...

As a german speaking member, it wasn't really funny at all (unless I turned down the volume completely and relied on reading just the subtitles).
mmm... I was just thinking about that the other day, how the voice track doesn't change at all. To all non-speakers, it's just Hitler yelling in dutch/german.

That's kind of why I prefer Family Guy's rendition of Hitler-comedy.
It would have been a lot funnier if the German text would have been dubbed to say what the subtitles brought across...
That would have taken considerable skill for a voice actor of the right age and vocal timbre to pull off convincingly.

Not to mention a high understanding of German - a combination that's sure to be almost impossible to find amongst the internet's console 'gaming community'.

I suggest you try tolisten not to WHAT he is saying but rather HOW he is saying it wghile reading the subtitles. I sure managed to laugh despite 6 years of German classes in scghool. :p