Hi Res MGS 4 screens: Doesnt look too good now

Jaggies shouldn't be that prolific at 1080, i don't think. Some images look like they've just been blown up.
_leech_ said:
Jaggies shouldn't be that prolific at 1080, i don't think. Some images look like they've just been blown up.

true but jaggies of finer details are always more jagged when blown up. its the opposite in this case
and who said the original pics were of 1080 resoloution? anyway this looks as I would expect not any differtn than Xbox 360 games we've seen images of.
Looks like they are blown up from low-res screen shot, they are in 1920x1080..I don't think MGS4 is in that resolution. Kinda showing your bias toward XB360 aren't u lol...praising XB360 games shots while saying negatively about MGS4 shots, surprisingly happens to be PS3 exclusive...
I am still waiting for the video...btw...no longer want to judge anything until see them in motion.

looks on par with Chaos theory between PC and Xbox in this screenshot. textures on the face for a game from Kojima is weak
I dont get this, Why are these sites all blowing up images and in the process making them look awful? Is it so they can claim the "win" by having the highest resolution pics? Jeeze, this needs to stop NOW.
Looks f'n incredible. Looks like 720p is the native resolution for this game, though I'm no expert on image editing. I just zoomed in with Photoshop, and it looks like the aliasing on Otacon's collar is 2-pixels wide. Meh, either way, looks too damn sweet. Lighting makes such a huge difference right now. But the details are just ridiculous too. The textures on the troop transports does look weaksauce though. And the normal maps aren't the highest detail when zoomed in. But man, this game just raised the bar. I am gonna say that one unforbidden game now has to deliver the goods, b/c Kojima might just beat him to it. ;) PEACE.
There is a big difference between Ocaton (sp?) and Snake. They seemed to have camptured Ocaton's his skin tone and face shape better. They really seem to contrast. Obviously the game is early and we have seen what 360 devs have done as they approach release (e.g. Kameo). While they are running on more similar hardware, they have 6-12 months in the least to polish things. And I am certain it looks pretty good in motion based on the series history (animation is 50% of graphics).

There are a lot of jaggies and while annoying one could OBVIOUSLY overlook them for a game that looks REALLY GOOD (and based on the MGS franchise, plays even better). Still can see polygons (sorry L-B) and Snake's head is "great, but not real" and all, shadows seem to be on low detail (I think this is fixable... Xenos should do stencil shadows well, but with CELL I think PS3 could do insane shadows)... very solid first effort and gives a good sense of where the series is headed. Very good next gen effort and definately in the mix of top 10 looking games I have seen so far. Two thumbs up.

Looks good :D

Ps- some of the pics are 1920x1080. So the aliasing issues -- which SHOULD be resolved to a degree as the game matures on final hardware -- are not getting better at 1080 ;) They are there, that is unavoidable.
Two posts when I started my reply.... this is a hot thread!

Ignore my aliasing comments if these are blown up... BUT aliasing usually would be more uniform and present if it was just expanded. It seems to be limited to high contrast areas it seems. Time will tell.
After examining those shots more closely (at 800%) I'm sure that they are blown up from some smaller resolution. Furthermore, from the shape of the scaling artifacts I'd say that the original resolution is about 60-70% of the one shown. That such a resizing causes nasty jagginess should be clear to anyone ;)
How can anyone even question it? The images are blown up and by the looks of it by a large portion. Id rather wait for some official press packs from Konami before making a judgment. Same thing happened with some early RE5 screens.
i looked closely at all these new pictures,. one thing i have noticed is the face is detailed but the clothing and environment is still weak. they probably wanted the face to show more detail in initial thoughts but this is clearly less awesome than the scans we saw. this also doesnt bode well for Perfect Dark Zero whose Scans we thought were good
Acert93 said:
Two posts when I started my reply.... this is a hot thread!

Ignore my aliasing comments if these are blown up... BUT aliasing usually would be more uniform and present if it was just expanded. It seems to be limited to high contrast areas it seems. Time will tell.

It does seem the aliasing is a bit extreme. Like these pictures were not originally this size. Also..its weird that some aspects are made to look better at this res (certain fine details) yet aliasing can be seen (alot of it) now.
onetimeposter said:
i looked closely at all these new pictures,. one thing i have noticed is the face is detailed but the clothing and environment is still weak. they probably wanted the face to show more detail in initial thoughts but this is clearly less awesome than the scans we saw. this also doesnt bode well for Perfect Dark Zero whose Scans we thought were good

Are you for real fella? Sounds like the game stole your wallet or something. Whats with the ridiculous jabs?