Help with CD-i 210 problem


Hey everybody! ;)

I was hoping that Bacteria or someone else here could give me some advice on how to fix my CD-i 210/20.

The problem is as follows:
My CD-i will not start up anymore. No video and nothing in the display.
I have tried almost everything I can think off, but nothing seems to work.
However, some power is going to the system, as the cd tray motor is running. If the tray is ejected when I power the system on, it will close the cd tray.
The fuse in the system does not seem to be broken. I can't seem to see any broken components.
The "eject", "play" and "stop" buttons on the system does nothing as well.

What I have done so far:
Cleaned the system for dust.
Tried removing the DVC.
Unplugged almost everything in the machine and plugged it back in again.
Made sure that every cable is plugged in properly.

I really don't know what to do. The system did turn on early yesterday.
It almost seems like the system is stuck in an action to close the cd tray.

Do anyone have any idea what I can do? Or have any advice?

Thanks for your time ;)
I have the 205 and sometimes the tray gets stuck just before it's completely closed - I just push it shut - probably needs a new belt.

Not sure if it'll work for you - might be the contact switch is dirty/broken and it doesn't think the try is shut?