Help on toothbrush stuff. Automatic vs manual

Get the Sonicare. Man, this sounds super geeky but I think their technology is pretty darn good. Really makes your teeth/gums feel alive.

/geek mode off
Manual is better, because you get more exercise. 8) Combine with a few hours of "one-handed surfing" with a healthy session of tooth-brushing every day and you pretty much don't need to go to the gym.
Ty said:
Get the Sonicare. Man, this sounds super geeky but I think their technology is pretty darn good. Really makes your teeth/gums feel alive.

/geek mode off

I agree Sonicare is off the hook my teeth feel much cleaner and stay that way longer than a regualar toothbruth.
My Dentist recommends Sonicare. He is a big supporter of the product and claims that studies show it is the best toothbrush available. One of my friend's mom is a dental hygenist and she concurred (and that was what her family used).

I have had one for years. I like it a lot and agree with others that it leaves my teeth/gums feeling cleaner and fresher. I get much less buildup after using the Sonicare.

Of course this is all very subjective. YMMV.
Only one person so far has answered my question.
I don't care about Sonicware or whatever the hell everyone's talking about.

I'm asking if my current manual toothbrush (see link) is better than a automatic one with a round head spinning in one direction continuously.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Only one person so far has answered my question.
I don't care about Sonicware or whatever the hell everyone's talking about.

I'm asking if my current manual toothbrush (see link) is better than a automatic one with a round head spinning in one direction continuously.

I think your best bet would be to try both methods, one week each, and then decide. We might tell you which one is "better" for us but ultimately it's your mouth, your arm and your brushes, so something that's good for me might not be as good for you.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I'm asking if my current manual toothbrush (see link) is better than a automatic one with a round head spinning in one direction continuously.
Neither will beat the one DW has, the toilet brush.

[edit] I was, of course, just joking DW.
Manual brush is definitely better than anything else, provided you know how to handle it correctly.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I'm asking if my current manual toothbrush (see link) is better than a automatic one with a round head spinning in one direction continuously.

We can only convey what our own dentists have stated ;)

That being the case, I recommend you ask your dentist at your next checkup (which should be every 6months). But if that does not help, the bottom line is brushing your teeth regularly after meals AND flossing. Electric or manual, no difference. If you are brushing and flossing like you should what you use to brush is less relevant. A nice toothbrush does little if unused.

Ps- I have heard (but not substantiated) that some electronic tooth brushes can attribute to the problem of receeding gum line due to their aggressive cleaning nature. Again, I recommend you talk to your Dentist to choose the appropriate device for your needs.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Only one person so far has answered my question.
I don't care about Sonicware or whatever the hell everyone's talking about.

I'm asking if my current manual toothbrush (see link) is better than a automatic one with a round head spinning in one direction continuously.

I asked my dentist a similar question a while back, and he told me that if you were good at brushing your teeth thoroughly, a manual brush is just as good as an electric brush. However, if you were lazy at brushing your teeth, an electric is better because it does most of the work for you, so even lazy people can get their teeth brushed properly.

With both types of brush you have to make sure you don't press too hard (which is what can cause a receeding gumline), and some electrics have a pressure alarm to tell you when you are pressing too hard.

So really KILLER, you are asking the wrong question. It's not the brush which is better or worse than another brush, it's how you use it that makes the difference.