Help from university graduades


Double Agent
This is my last year in the university after that I graduate.

The last 2 semesters are the most crucial and I have to finish a study/research on a subject in my economics.

I need advise, tips and all the help I can get from all of you who have passed from this phase. Especially regarding the structure of it. If its ok for anyone to email me an example I d be most thankful

I d appreciate any kind of advice A LOT
Well, your title mis-spelling 'graduates' as 'graduades' did give me a chuckle. ;)

Seriously, I'm not a college grad yet. I'm technically on a sabbatical about to enter my second year which took me 12 years to accomplish, I'm probably not the best to give educational advice.

Except maybe a little, stay with it and be persistant. Never give up, and it's never too late to go back and fix old mistakes.

I plan to graduate one day, just because it's something I want to accomplish. I just ain't in no hurry, could take me another 12 years easy. :LOL:
Well, your title mis-spelling 'graduates' as 'graduades' did give me a chuckle. ;)

Seriously, I'm not a college grad yet. I'm technically on a sabbatical about to enter my second year which took me 12 years to accomplish, I'm probably not the best to give educational advice.

Except maybe a little, stay with it and be persistant. Never give up, and it's never too late to go back and fix old mistakes.

I plan to graduate one day, just because it's something I want to accomplish. I just ain't in no hurry, could take me another 12 years easy. :LOL:

Heh in that case. Good luck and I wish you the best ;)
Same to you buddy. Just remember it ain't a race and to pick a major that you are genuinely interested in.

My grandma always told me to follow where your heart will lead you and to do something you enjoy/love, the money will follow. I'm still following that advice.
Same to you buddy. Just remember it ain't a race and to pick a major that you are genuinely interested in.

My grandma always told me to follow where your heart will lead you and to do something you enjoy/love, the money will follow. I'm still following that advice.

And still waiting for the money eh :p

Really though he is correct.

Nesh the problem is I am not sure that we can all relate. I graduated in Chemistry with a BS and needed to do nothing like what you are suggesting. I have taken 2 economics courses, but you majored in it I take it so you win the prize and know more already. In other words without a great deal more information from you don't expect much help and even with the info you might simply be wasting your time.
I had to do a project/dissertation at the end of my degree (Comp Science & e-Business) which lasted a year and took about 300 hours of private study.

The best advice I can give is to try and do a little bit every day and finish much earlier than the deadline. Start with a thin overall structure (e.g. using MS Word outlining feature) and pad it out with content - this doesn't work for everybody but is good when you feel a little directionless and is a way of monitoring your progress. Try and get draft sections reviewed by tutors/peers when you can. Whenever possible get out of your room to study - go to the library/private study areas.

I totally failed to follow most of the above advice and ended up blowing off my entire Easter break in a 5-week pain train. Not recommended. :rolleyes:
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