hell is starting to freez.. and warming up the earth


i have a monster
i mean.. its almost november and it is 21°C outside and sunny!
thats like very VERY unusual for belgium wheather
even chicks start to wear summerclothes again since a few days.... :p
Hot today as well.
It was cloudy this arvo but the back of my head felt like it was roasting over the barbie.
Here it's winter, about minus 5 Celcius and some snow.
Feels cold as hell, funny it feels colder now than it does when it drops below -20 C in midwinter, quess it's because it's still a bit moist too, and I still wear pretty much the same summer-autumn clothes instead of the winter ones, and the climate cange always takes some time to get used to.
Here in Blighty, the 'experts' are still predicting the coldest winter since 1963. We're certainly overdue a really cold one but it is still ridiculously warm at the moment.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Hot today as well.
It was cloudy this arvo but the back of my head felt like it was roasting over the barbie.

well duh, its almost summer there on the underside of the world..... (dont you guys fall off the planet actually :p )
Winter is approaching here, 33 max and 15 min these days. City of Chennai is witnessing some of wettest Oct in decades. 25cms of rain in 4 hours. :oops:
Just shift the orbit of the planet to cool down the earth.

Now where are all of those robots...
With a subtropical-rooted High Pressure standing right in the middle of Europe, what would you expect? We'll have to wait 'till the first decade of November to experience some cold weather...
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It might be a good idea to enjoy it while it lasts!

In an ironic twist, one global warming theory suggests melting ice from Greenland is diluting ocean salinity and disrupting convective currents in the Atlantic which deposit tropical heat into the North Sea. Without this heat pump Europe will be plunged into an ice age while the rest of the globe swelters.

That Mother Natures one crazy bitch....
Shogun said:
It might be a good idea to enjoy it while it lasts!

In an ironic twist, one global warming theory suggests melting ice from Greenland is diluting ocean salinity and disrupting convective currents in the Atlantic which deposit tropical heat into the North Sea. Without this heat pump Europe will be plunged into an ice age while the rest of the globe swelters.

That Mother Natures one crazy bitch....

Co-incidently I was watching "The Day after Tomorrow" on TV few min back. :smile: Can Ice Age really happen? If yes, then what will be the reasons?
Deepak said:
Co-incidently I was watching "The Day after Tomorrow" on TV few min back. :smile: Can Ice Age really happen? If yes, then what will be the reasons?

What do you mean can it really happen? I'd say its happened a lot in Earth's history. Its very possible, and no doubt it will happen again, just how soon is my only question, human kind has lived through it before through migration, and in todays world I think we'd have little trouble doing it again.
...It just won't happen the same way it does in that stupid movie, that's all.

Anyway, was on the news tonight that the Amazon forest is starting to dry out due to logging, leading to further deforestation and river levels lower than ever measured before.

To say it would be exceedingly bad if the Amazon forest was to die out/be ruined by us greedy fuckin humans is no overstatement. According to official figures, 1-2% of the total area is logged yearly. Using satellite imagery, the actual situation could well be twice as much.
Guden Oden said:
it would be exceedingly bad i


So this is it, we're all going to die!
Deepak said:
Co-incidently I was watching "The Day after Tomorrow" on TV few min back. :smile: Can Ice Age really happen? If yes, then what will be the reasons?

A saw this theory on a TV documentary a few weeks ago.
A quick Google found this.


The North Atlantic is quite unique, in regards to the ocean-atmosphere connection, for a number of reasons. Firstly, in comparison to the Pacific, it is far more saline. The enriched salinity of Atlantic surface water enable it be become dense enough, when cooled, to sink to the ocean floor. By contrast, the fresher waters of the Pacific, no matter how much they are cooled in relation to the Deep water, will never be dense enough to sink more than to an intermediate level. The sinking of Gulf Stream waters in the north Atlantic causes more warm water from the tropics to be 'pulled' north like a conveyor.
This warm water brought north brings vast amounts of energy to the Arctic maters and atmosphere. Wallace Broecker, Dorothy Peteet, and David Rind estimate the byproduct of this Deep water formation to be about 5* 1021 calories of heat that is released to the atmosphere: "an amount corresponding to ~30% of the solar heat reaching the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in the region north of 35° N" (Broecker 24).
Obviously, the salinity of the Atlantic is quite important to the transfer of energy (5* 1021 calories of heat) to the region around Europe. If the salinity were changed, then, the Deep-water formation of the Gulf Stream would be shut off or diminished. A number of possible hypothesis exist that account for this. For example, there is evidence that the water exchange between the Atlantic and Pacific in the Bering Strait was much greater 300 years ago than present (Lamb 5). Also, the salinity of the Atlantic ocean, as Adams and Maslin suggest, "a pulse of fresh river water (could) dilute the dense, salty Gulf Stream and float on top, forming a temporary lid..."(Adams5). Either of these two scenarios, in conjunction with the anti-cyclonic winds of the time could have lowered (1) the salinity of the Atlantic, (2) made Deep water production impossible, (3) and caused arctic ice to form further south. In the winter, with a lack of warm water in the North Atlantic the temperatures in Europe would be much more Severe Weather. And in the summer, ice formation would (4) make the air reaching Europe cooler and dryer because of an albedo effect and therefore (5) diminish glacial melting in the latitude and altitude extremes, causing glacial advance.
But, this scope of ocean-atmosphere effects on Climate (i.e., just the north Atlantic) does not fully explain why there were glacial advances, due to decreased temperature, throughout the world during the Little Ice Age. As Broecker points out, "we may be dealing with a regional change in Climate involving primarily the area under the climatic influence of the northern Atlantic Ocean." To explain global cooling, one must consider the evidence for diminished sunspots and increased volcanism during this time. As well, Broecker adds, "Evidence for such an oscillation (like the Deep water circulation in the North Atlantic) has been found elsewhere, that is, in the cordillera of South America and in New Zealand...(T)he situation may well be more complicated" (Broecker 24). Unfortunately, there is little historical data on ocean temperature in any other region other than the North Atlantic. But as Broecker points out, if the reasons why the Little Ice Age had global implications are to be found, the North Atlantic conveyor belt may only explain Climate change in the area around Europe. One must not drunkenly 'look under the street light', as the saying goes, when what is being looked for is in fact on the other, unlit curve.
The global implications of the Little Ice Age are still debatable, but it is rather safe to say that for a variety of reasons, the world was cooler for a period of time. And although the Little Ice Age devastated those who were sustaining themselves at a latitude and altitude extreme, it is important to keep in mind that this 'ice age' was a tiny blip in the climatic fluctuations of earth. By far, other climatic fluctuations in even the Holocene, like Younger Drias which last over 800 years, have been far more intense and last much longer. Determining the reasons for the Little Ice Age is quite a challenge.
I think the XVIIIth Century was the coldest, for the Northern Hemisphere, since Mankind started keeping track of climate. For Europe at least...
Is there some problem with your keyboard preventing you from typing "18th"? :)

I dunno what kind of thermometers may have existed then, but a period in the middle ages is afaik said to be amongst the coldest during written human history. No wonder it was called the dark age, with the plague, cold climate, wars etc... Ugh.
today was fantaxtic, sunny and 21°c ..whoohoo
i hope we dont get - 21 c in a few weeks now...
an ice age will come by our hand or the earths hand . Though i do admit we need to stop cutting down the forests .

We need to find diffrent energy sources beyond oil and solar energy as i don't think we can count on either when the shit hits the fan
Deepak said:
Winter is approaching here, 33 max and 15 min these days. City of Chennai is witnessing some of wettest Oct in decades. 25cms of rain in 4 hours. :oops:

Chennai - heh outsourcing my current department there, last department in now in Bangalore :D... anyhow ppl going there were complaining they were boiling alive, but that was two weeks ago ;)