We started playing this game upon initial launch on a single Radeon HD 6970 video card. When we launched the game the first thing that hit us hard in the face was an immense amount of mouse lag. As we moved our mouse on the screen, even just to start a new game, there was a severe mouse cursor lag. We have read that there are some INI tweaks you can do to alleviate this, but on first launch, out-of-box, the mouse was very laggy and that translated to a bad experience in-game.
We also noticed that with the Radeon HD 6970 video card we could not disable VSYNC. We had it disabled in the driver control panel, but in-game we were still capped at 60 FPS max. We have also read that you can force this off in an INI file, we have not tried it yet, but in this out-of-box experience we had no control over VSYNC on the Radeon HD 6970.
We experienced two bugs on the Radeon HD 6970 in the first 30 minutes of playing. The first bug was that we experienced flashing textures on far off mountain ranges that could be seen in the distance. During the first scripted scene, as you are carted down to the town, there are mountains off in the distance. With the HD 6970 we saw the textures on them flashing as we were moving. The second bug is a more severe bug to the gameplay experience. We experienced a jerky or jittery performance behavior on a single Radeon HD 6970 video card in certain areas. As we were moving through the caves at the beginning of the game, there were some areas that all of the sudden became jerky in motion. Finally, when we got out into the outdoor world, as we moved through the forests we encountered some jerky and jittery performance behavior. It was not smooth, and this was with a single HD 6970.