HD World Cup in UK - BBC & Sky close to deal

London Geezer

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Today's Marketing Week has a story headlined "BBC on cusp of World Cup HDTV deal with BSkyB".

It says: "The BBC is believed to be close to securing a deal with BSkyB to air the World Cup in high-definition television (HDTV) this summer.
"A broadcast insider reveals talks have progressed to how a joint initiative, which would show BBC content through Sky's satellite platform, would be branded. It would effectively be a BBC channel on Sky, says the insider, who adds: 'One thing's for sure, if it's BBC content it's going to have to be properly branded.'
"It is thought a trial would centre on Sky's pub network subscribers who have purchased HDTV broadcast equipment, although plans to extend to consumer broadcasting have not been ruled out. A BBC press officer has confirmed talks are continuing but no deal has been struck."