Finished it a few minutes ago. Keenly disappointed with it as a whole, but won't go into details now.
I enjoyed the book, but have some problems too... very mild spoiler:
Okay, maybe the horror elements are getting a bit extreme too.Nearly all the plot threads are about building up momentum for some big meetings and conflicts and such - but most of them are abandoned right before it'd get really exciting.
For example at least four factions are trying to reach Dany - but only one gets there, and it's the least interesting. Several of the POV characters are abandoned in completely cheesy cliffhanger situations too.
I mean seriuosly, any reasonably decent lords of the north should've taken the head of all the Boltons long ago, right? It's beyond sick.
But there were some amazing memorable moments, the storytelling is still mesmerizing, the world is fascinating... It's just that the book should've had more of an ending instead of stopping with the story for a few more years.