What's up, nerds, just got my new GI in the mail yesterday. First, those screens are definitely not concept art. Not that people here were doubting, but you can clearly see that they're rendered images (polygon edges, a few low-res textures, etc). In glossy high-fidelity, they do look very "supercharged Gamecube." If they're target renders, they're not very ambitious. I expect that they are in-engine. I do see a few nice soft shadows from moving objects (result of a touch-up? Or real?), and people have already commented on the nice lighting tricks in a few scenes. For one thing, I"m not seeing any Gouraud artificats, so maybe there is an updated fully programmable pixel pipeline. I do think that the characters could use some normal mapping, but polygon budgets are increased, so everyone's fingers are fully articulated (but no 3D fingernails, so some people will be disappointed), and faces look much nicer than most current-gen titles. The particles look okay, but nothing really beyond what we've already seen. It's got a heck of a lot more shine than any cross-platform game, thought.