Halo: Reach

I'm actually not liking assasinations too much because they are a little to easy to do. Most times, I just want a simple backwhack, but instead I go into the assasination animation and either I get killed before I finish, or someone else steals my kill. And I get tired of seeing the same "prostate examination" too. :D
Last week Microsoft graciously offered me some Halo Reach Multiplayer codes to participate in the beta. I highly considered offering them to friends and family (as the Microsoft's Program title intended) but I decided to give them out to a certain group of people who I knew would appreciate them more--my followers on Twitter. Most of the codes were given out via general video game trivia, however three of those codes were given away through a photo contest.

The requirements were simple enough--be goofy, make me laugh and have "I.Eat.Games." visibly written on a piece of paper to prove authenticity. I gave the gang 4 hours so there was enough time for the creative types.

The results were unexpectedly spectacular and incredibly hilarious. When submissions rolled in I had no idea that so many people would literally put to use my blogs name.

Here is one of the winners:

There are roughly 20 more photos on my blog. Some of pretty crazy. :)
There seems to be bug, confirmed by bungie, where parties get broken up when playing Invsaion. Hopefully they can fix it during the beta.
BWU is up and they addressed quite a few issues that have been brought up. I highly suggest reading it. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_050710

The main issue outstanding for me is need more damage on the AR. That should be a very good starting weapon, not something you look to discard quickly.

So far, Bungie really seems to be paying attention to the community feedback and openly addressing a lot of the "bigger" issues. This is great to see. As is this:


I just got back from a 2 week vacation and came home to RROD!!!!!

I wanted to wait for a possible Natal bundle to purchase a new X360, but I may have to get one sooner.

EDIT: Any info on when a slim 360 will be available.
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Currently in the Beta, when you throw a melee you can almost immediately follow it up with second smack. The end result is that players who’ve gotten the drop on unsuspecting chumps are often penalized if they keep firing and take the fight up close. In the fall, the time delay between melee attacks will be slightly extended. Up close, melee will no longer be a trump card you can play no matter the situation. You will need to use it wisely.

NOOOO, I like this why are they nerfing it to suit the lowest common denominator players who keep shooting at point blank range. It makes melee combat much more fun than 3, I was using this all day in Invasion, chucking a grenade into the capture points and jumping in and meleeing any enemies still alive.

I dislike how Bungie likes making the game less skill/reflex based.
Melee is broken now. The first person to melee will win the battle as their 2nd strike will always beat out the other person. Also the other person can't get out of the way of the 2nd melee.

You will still be able to nade in, take down the shields and 1 hit melee kill. What they're fixing is the dual melee button spam.
Melee is broken now. The first person to melee will win the battle as their 2nd strike will always beat out the other person. Also the other person can't get out of the way of the 2nd melee.

You will still be able to nade in, take down the shields and 1 hit melee kill. What they're fixing is the dual melee button spam.

What's wrong with that? it was the same in Halo 3, if you meleed first you would win (all things being equal) cos you would be able to land a second strike before your oppenent could anyway. The conclusion would be the same as Reach, it just took longer to get there.

And the other person can dodge the second melee by jumping or stepping etc, in fact it's easier to dodge melees now the melee lunge range has been reduced from H3.

They should'nt nerf this as it severely limits options for skilled players in multiple enemy encounters - will basically mean you would have to rely on grenades rather than outmanouvering them and getting a series of assasinations and beatdowns.
The AR was much better in Halo 3 at close range, someone going into for 2 melees against an AR was prone to get torn to shreds. The current AR is so weak that at close range melee typically bests the AR.
The AR was much better in Halo 3 at close range, someone going into for 2 melees against an AR was prone to get torn to shreds. The current AR is so weak that at close range melee typically bests the AR.

Yea they should bump up the AR a bit, or give it a larger clip like in halo 1.
But don't touch the melée cooldown time, have you guys been using it? It's amazing especially when coupled with sprint/evade, it's also good because ur left less prone to death grenades after beating someone down

But again if ur run straight at an AR/repeater wielder ur not going to win with a double melée.

Also, Bungie said you could shoot grenades on the ground causing them to explode, I've tried doing this and it doesn't work.

I just got back from a 2 week vacation and came home to RROD!!!!!

I wanted to wait for a possible Natal bundle to purchase a new X360, but I may have to get one sooner.

EDIT: Any info on when a slim 360 will be available.

No news till closer to E3 I suspect. Have just over a month till then. Microsoft just released the Spring Arcade Bundle with Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts & Viva Pinata. Buy it new for $200 & then sell the games. Use that till the Natal bundle is available. Or if your system is still covered by the RROD 3-year warranty, then send it back & then use the refurbished one till they sell the new bundle.

Tommy McClain
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I've finally decided that I don't like the new control scheme. Kept having problem wanting to use the B button for Melee. Changed the control scheme to Recon & everything is much better now. :)

Tommy McClain
After reading the WU, I'm a little concerned. I think grenades are just about perfect as is. I suspect Bungie is seeing a lot of melée and grenade kills for two reasons: people don't really know how to play yet, and the weapons are kind of weak. I'd rather they address the latter rather than nerf grenades. I don't have sn issue with the current melée system, but I can understand the concerns about it.

I still think that what they are seeing is primarily due to weak starting weapons though.