Halo: Reach

I read something interesting about Reach's AA technique, it uses some sort of slight edge blur filter to trick the human eye into thinking it has uber amounts of AA:

Everything you saw in this trailer is possible on the 360, due to clever technical tricks and exploitation of how the human eye works.

The graphics for Reach can only go up from here.

Okay, first off, it's definitely in-game and real time, because there is still some aliasing.

Onto view distances. It seems the Reach engine is a lot better, because Bungie is making much better use of 'real' geometry mixed with skyboxed mixed with matte to keep performance up.


The white line is where the 'real' geometry ends and where you start seeing lower-detail skybox. the cyan line is where you stop seeing skybox and start seeing a matte painting.

This a big improvement over Halo 3. Halo 3's super wide shots like this were 99% matte-only. Most cutscenes were real-geometry closeups or just a skybox to keep performance up. Not anything wrong with that, mind, but it's obvious how much better the Reach engine is. The cutscenes in this game should be spectacular.

If you still don't know what i'm talking about, this is what the scene would look like from the side if i'm correct:

It looks like they've got a new lighting and shadowing strategy compared to halo 2 and 3. Looks like everything casts a shadow, no matter how far above the ground it's sitting:


Also the shadows on everything combine correctly, something not even the source engine is doing on PC (I believe, I haven't looked at episode 1 or 2 yet, so I may be wrong, and apologize if so). They're also very edge-blurred so they look very nice. Also this shot makes the slight film grain effect they're putting on everything more obvious. The film grain is 'smoothing' out the image thanks to how our eyes work and does not allow any harsh edges to grab our eye's attention.


very nice use of depth focus to keep aliasing from showing up on the near arm. But this shot is the most obvious answer to "how is Bungie pulling off that much AA on 360?". Well, the answer is, they're not. They are however exploiting the human eye and using a new technique. Look at the edges of the arm:


Yep, they're use a new technique where the edges are blurred into the surrounding area. This assists the 360's hardware AA and creates smoother edges. This technique has a name but I'm forgetting it now. It's similiar to what Nintendo used in Mario Galaxy to make poly edges seem super smooth. Now it's being used on the 360.

Another shot showing the technique. When you watch in HD, it's really obvious:


So, final verdict: Bungie played it a lot safer this time around in regards to engine features, believe it or not. There is no real time helmet reflections. What we saw in this trailer? Yeah, the final game is gonna look that good. Halo 3 actually looked better than the E32006 trailer (minus the realtime visor reflection, which had to be dropped). Everything you saw in this trailer is possible on the 360, due to clever technical tricks and exploitation of how the human eye works.

The graphics for Reach can only go up from here.

Of course, all we care about is the gameplay, right?


1 guy had stubble on his head. So now we're assuming bald is going to be the predominant theme for this game and noone is going to have short hair other than the women? :p


Where in my OP say it applies to all men and women. I even used "Man" instead of "Men". I was only talking about the main talking guy. And people jumped to all sorts of conclusions.

EDIT: Aeoniss, your link is broken. :)
Having watched the HD footage here are some of my thoughts:

First, the Reach reveal is clearly not CGI but based on a game engine.

Second, this engine is very similar to Halo 3’s—this is not too dissimilar to the Forza Motorsport 3 “photomode” based videos. Strip the game of the uber-AA and the uber texture fidelity, go sub-HD, and scale back the shadow filtering and you have a game eerily similar to Halo 3. Indeed, look at the Halo 3 cut scenes where shadowing and lighting are amped up, LOD is maxed, and cinematic angles are chosen to show off the quite good Halo 3 material systems and emphasizing contrasting lighting situations and tada! Example you ask:


The Halo 3 reveal was in a real-time engine, too, and if you go back and look at it you can see how it is the Halo 3 engine but very selective, photo-esque angles were shown to emphasize the setting.

Side-by-side the Halo 3 and Reach videos have a bit in common to my eyes although you can see some progress.

So, in my opinion, this looks like an evolution of the Halo 3 engine and, based on how the Halo 3 reveal covered up certain deficiencies as well as how Microsoft has been using super-sampled rendering to show off their games, I think we can piece some stuff together as this does indeed seem to be generated from their engine.

Obviously, unless Bungie has sold out to 4xMSAA or a screen space AA trick, we can assume there will be a bit of jaggies. The art shown thus far is very dark and low contrast so aliasing will be minimal, mainly seen in areas with illumination. Going sub-HD will increase aliasing and lower image quality. No/little AF will destroy a lot of image quality again, especially the ground or objects at sharp angles; they may use a negative LOD which could cause swimming.

These things, right here, will really close the gap between Halo 3 and what we saw in Reach.

The video shows more foliage than seen in Halo 3; what was seen was pretty Spartan though. It looked clumsy in the wind (really fast moving, generic, and cloned repeatedly). Not too dissimilar to CoD4; alone it looks weak, but in the grand scheme it works. There were a lot of nice atmospheric effects. A bit of dust, but if you focus on the dust it isn’t atypical of other games.

Shadows looked really, really nice (dynamic shadows cast and received by dynamic objects) with great filtering. Bungie has done a lot of research on lighting and shadowing based on recent trade shows and it really shows. But I doubt what we saw makes it into the gameplay engine (see: Halo 3). We can hope that we don’t end up with disappearing shadows 10 feet away, but I am not sold on what we saw makes it into the retail product during gameplay. I am guessing they tweaked their renderer some as they had a lot of lights in the video. Even though the setting was dark ambient lighting seemed decent and the number of lights was quite good.

Human models were generic, but a LOT better than Halo 3. Faces looked kind of glossy and not the highest resolution textures I have ever seen, but they worked. The material systems on the armor actually look similar (in a very good) to Halo 3 and were some of the best parts of the video. Very detailed (in a Gears of War way) and reacted well to environmental lighting. Didn’t notice a reflection of the player in the Spartan visor at the beginning (something that saw a big downgrade in Halo 3 from video presentation to gameplay).

The storm in the background was amazing, but probably a skybox ala Halo 3 and ODST. Looks amazing but you can never get “into” the storm and keep the graphics. So a nice atmospheric background effect, something Halo 3 already did and did well.

Normal maps seemed higher resolution and used more frequently; Resolution of textures in the distance is also a lot better than Halo 3.

Vehicles were all detailed (e.g. the warthog had better texture resolution than Halo 3 by memory) but it wasn’t jaw dropping amazing. It moved kind of stiff, too. Overall they looked quite nice though and fit the Haloverse. Lights and rotor wash dust all add nice detail to the world.

The highlights were really “metallic” objects. The aircraft at the beginning look very detailed and lighting worked well (a great contrast between lit and unlit angles as well as self shadows) and the Spartan armor was amazing—especially the Spartan with the huge knife and flaming skull scratched paint visor. The scope was large and open with a great backdrop.

But… Halo 3 also had nice texture work (e.g. go to high ground and look directly down at the ground—very, very detailed!) but the real-time game play rendering kills IQ. Materials were also quite good on armor in Halo 3. Halo 3 could also support large vistas with great atmospherics.

The problem with Halo 3, besides IQ, is a lot of their tech choices weren’t maximized. The spent a lot of time with HDR and how the Spartan armor interacted with the environment and then they spent most of their time outdoors with a single light. So you get some amazing sequences (like the bridge where the flood help MC to get to the Prophet of Truth where the lighting and contrast is excellent) but a lot of ho-hum sequences as well.

I REALLY dig the grittier look (ala the commercials) and if Halo Reach has large firefights in open expanses I think the engine makes a lot of sense. But if we are back to medium sized skirmishes linked by linear gateways connecting segments I don’t see what is being shown is a lot different from Halo 3. Sure, maybe we will see a lot more darkened environments that put the lights to great use and maybe with Bungie familiar with their tool chains we will get overall better quality assets and better presentation. Halo 3 was a mess (no filtering or AA on open environments and large flat forerunning objects make a big ????!!) in terms of how the gameplay matched with their tech decisions. Games like BFBC and Far Cry 2 really make you pause in regards to what is possible.

But it doesn’t really matter. Halo gunplay is excellent, Halo 3 had some great AI, and Halo 3 is one of the richest featured games ever with 4 player coop from start to finish, amazing MP options and features, and have now branched out with FireFight. If Reach is large battles with a lot of kick @#$@# Spartans saving the day and Bungie continues progressing the features while keeping solid “30 seconds of fun” in the Haloverse I think consumers will be happy.

Seriously, are you guys doubting Bungie here? I'm 100% convinced that this is all done in their engine with the actual assets, nothing looks impossible here. The only thing to suspect is the AA, as there's just too much of it, thus suggesting that the trailer material has been bullshot-rendered (and making it impossible to tell if they've managed to get rid of the 640p-noAA resolution of the previous games).

It may be generated from the engine, like Forza 3, but it doesn't look realtime on the console. And it isn't just the AA but the textures.

This is crazy, everyone criticized Bungie for not pushing the hardware enough - and now that they're doing it, the same people are saying it's a trick?

The Halo 3 trailer, which was realtime, looked great as well. Selective angles goes a long way. The Halo 3 E3 trailer, though, if you look around had some aliasing (they also used some DOF and edge blurring in the E3 vid) and textures with sharp angles were quite blurry--this video showed amazing edges and great textures. Doesn't sound like something these consoles are doing in realtime.

I would like to be proven wrong.

By "same" I mean I should be able to take on any enemy in the game 1v1 and have a chance to win the battle. I am still a Spartan after all.

Now, a squad of Spartans would breeze through just about any Covenant, so I hope they add challenge via sheer number of enemies, rather than making the individual Spartans weaker, the enemy stronger, and/or the weapons weaker.

IMO the "second to second" combat experience is what makes Halo great. I don't want that watered down just to force some type of tactical teamwork approach to missions. The player should have options, and not be forced to play the game only one way.

Now, having said all that, I think it is possible to mix the two styles, so I'm not too worried at this point.

Agreed. I want them to keep melee, nades, and distanced weapons--but I don't want weak Spartans either! The solution is huge HUGE open battles where coordinating with a total of 6 Spartans to rule the field 8)

I don't have a link for this but a Forum mod at Bungie said:

* odmichael
* |
* Forum Ninja

The website is a Microsoft website. However, my guess is this is a mistake. Spartan III's were developed on Onyx and had no involvement on Reach. ONI kept the project a secret. These spartans look like Spartan II's to me.

Stolen from Gamersyde.
So from what I garnered from reading the above quoted material in my post, I think it's quite possible that trailer wasn't bullshotted at all..
That's like taking the least impressive screen cap you could find and comparing it to another game in order to specifically make it look bad.

Besides which, it'd be nice if this didn't turn into a versus thread. The graphics either stand up on their own (according to it's art direction and requirements) or it doesn't.


That's the first official screen of what this title supposedly looks like straight from their site, but if I'm mistaken my apologies.

Still feel this praise is unwarranted and sounds like a vendetta to match another platform given what Crytek, Splash Damage, 4a Games, etc is doing with the hardware on upcoming projects. And if it is indeed a subtle jab at the PS3 then January it's on. Last I'll say.
I read something interesting about Reach's AA technique, it uses some sort of slight edge blur filter to trick the human eye into thinking it has uber amounts of AA:

I dunno, this sounds more like wishful thinking. No post-process technique, MLAA or anything can reproduce the detail lost through the rendering itself and this trailer is full of stuff like that.
The foliage itself should be a mess, as seen in grandmaster's experiments with Bad Company 2. There are some thin line details above the base building as well, which would case a lot of aliasing that can't be cured in any way. The shots are clearly using at least MSAA, but the texture detail suggests supersampling - which is exactly what bullshot-making tools do.
I read something interesting about Reach's AA technique, it uses some sort of slight edge blur filter to trick the human eye into thinking it has uber amounts of AA:

....that's unbelievable.

just yesterday i was going to post a comment saying that this footage could have been In-engine graphics but done pre-rendered with high levels of multisampling .

the edge blur filter looks interesting.:smile2:
....that's unbelievable.

just yesterday i was going to post a comment saying that this footage could have been In-engine graphics but done pre-rendered with high levels of multisampling .

the edge blur filter looks interesting.:smile2:

I'd take that information with a huge grain of salt. It appears to just be a blog or forum posting by someone speculating about what is being done...and then using that speculation to try to infer that everything is in engine in realtime.

A bit dubious I'd say without some form of official confirmation...

It may be generated from the engine, like Forza 3, but it doesn't look realtime on the console. And it isn't just the AA but the textures.

Rendering out the trailer as a sequence of bullshots with supersampling would obviously make the textures look better too. I don't believe that this is actual ingame AA quality either, looks faaaar to good to be true. But I do hope that Bungie has moved on to at least 720p - I always thought that Halo3 ended up downresed because they did not have the time to implement tiling at reasonable speeds. There were some 720p noAA shots of the game after all, before the bullshots started.
I dunno, this sounds more like wishful thinking. No post-process technique, MLAA or anything can reproduce the detail lost through the rendering itself and this trailer is full of stuff like that.
The foliage itself should be a mess, as seen in grandmaster's experiments with Bad Company 2. There are some thin line details above the base building as well, which would case a lot of aliasing that can't be cured in any way. The shots are clearly using at least MSAA, but the texture detail suggests supersampling - which is exactly what bullshot-making tools do.

Yeah, what it looks like to me is engine based game assets rendered at "bullshot" quality ala FM3. So the game will look similar although aliasing, textures, and LODs may be different.
Heh, I've found the original post... most of what that guy thinks to be edge blur is actually just bloom. Also, what he thinks to be aliasing is just pixelation of the helmet's normal map, due to it not being extremely high res and in a close-up shot.
That was not my intent, I just want to avoid people getting their hopes up too high. This AA quality is far beyond the current consoles' capabilities.
Here you go mate, sorry about the link:


^ That should take you there.

Aeoniss, if you go back and look at the E3 Halo 3 trailer you will note that Bugnie used an edge blur to diminish alaising; e.g. the broken hull behind MC after he comes through the smoke, you can see clearly they used some edge blurring and DOF to diminish aliasing.


As an aside, I really liked the visuals in the Package legends vid. The cell shaded CGI look was great--I wouldn't mind a Halo game like that at all.
There's no edge blur there, Josh, that would be making the sharp edges completely blurred; not keep them sharp and add some halo around them like what we see in the picture. DOF is there though, obviously.

Also, does anyone know why Bungie is referring to Hungarian mythology here? The satellites of Reach are called Turul and Csodaszarvas; and one of the large cities is called Ezhtergom which sounds a lot like Esztergom, our capital city until the XIIIrd century...
It looks great, but I can't help but feel its going to be like Halo 3, where that E3 reveal was also said to be in-game etc. and it ended up looking way better than the final game, ultra detailed armour on the Chief, visor reflections, lack of aliasing etc. just look at the shot posted above and how much worse H3 looked both either in-game or cutscenes.
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Bungie has followed various mythologies closely through the Halo series. In particular Norse (example being Mjolnir, and I believe Pillar of Autumn(?)).

Other noted examples include the Artificial ONI intelligence LOKI, along with Beowulf.

For any who have read the books, they know this game entails a dark and brutal fight. Wipes out the vast majority of the Spartans.. The Fall of Reach was one of the largest battles in the entire Human Covenant war, if not THE largest.

I wouldn't be surprised if this game was alot more dark and gritty than the other Halo's. Frankly I'd welcome this.
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/PelicanCrash-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/TruthDeath-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/BackedUp-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/ArbiterRoar-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/MonitorRing-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/ChiefCutscene-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/The Covenant/The Covenant Large/MirandaJohnson-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/fil...The Covenant Large/BruteFusionCores-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/fil...The Covenant Large/TowerOneExterior-large.jpg
http://www.ascendantjustice.com/files/cocop/Cortana/Cortana Large/CortanaIndex-large.jpg

Halo 3 cut scenes (and photogenic game angles) look pretty impressive. The cinematic parts in Halo 3 (be it cutscenes or photogenic angles) aren't miles away from this. Better yes, but not miles and miles different either. The main thing I would look forward too is if they could keep an even balance on quality, keep IQ higher, avoid big nasties, and tailor the art and setting more toward the engine strengths.
slightly depressing. Those pics suggest vids can look pretty decent in the halo series even if the graphics of actual gameplay aren't top of the line.