Halo 3

Well the 60fps question is all down to developer's choice. If they choose to trade in eye candy in order to keep the framerate high and stable, that will be cool. Somehow i don't think so. They'll want Halo3 to look best, even if it comes at a price. Like many Xbox games do already. So focused on shiny shine that the framerate suffers.
Like many Xbox games do already. So focused on shiny shine that the framerate suffers.

That's the same on ANY platform, specifically for frst person shooters with lot's going on around you. The people tha think 60 fps is required in every game are merly vocal people on the internet. Most games on consoles run at 30fps and run perfectly fine at that framerate.

...and please don't get into a " all the games on the platform I like are 60fps and I can tell just by looking at it, and the framerate somehow magicallly makes the game play better eveytime." nonsense
all the games on the platform I like are 60fps and I can tell just by looking at it, and the framerate somehow magicallly makes the game play better eveytime

Qroach said:
Like many Xbox games do already. So focused on shiny shine that the framerate suffers.

That's the same on ANY platform, specifically for frst person shooters with lot's going on around you. The people tha think 60 fps is required in every game are merly vocal people on the internet. Most games on consoles run at 30fps and run perfectly fine at that framerate.

...and please don't get into a " all the games on the platform I like are 60fps and I can tell just by looking at it, and the framerate somehow magicallly makes the game play better eveytime." nonsense

I agree with London-Boy. Not sure what games (or platforms) you are refering to Qroach, but I can confirm that the games I am enjoying on 'other' platforms are all 60 fps titles too. Not that you would be impressed anyway - I still remember arguing with you over the 30/60 topic and it was quite obvious back then that you yourself can't see a difference! Well... good for you! I wish I wouldn't see it either, sometimes... luckily I rarely play Xbox games though and the few I do play often are 60 fps (i.e. Rallisport or Tecmo's games)! :D
I still remember arguing with you over the 30/60 topic and it was quite obvious back then that you yourself can't see a difference!

No I can see a difference, I seem to recall arguing tha tteh avergae game can't tell the difference. I also argued that I'd rather have a locked 30 than a fluctuating 60 any day.

like in pgr2, I really enjoy the game even though it's a locked 30fps. If biz creations didn't tell anyone I bet people wouldn't have been able to tell if it was 30 or 60.

Also I thought it was stupid to use video clips as examples of 60 fps games, as thaat's common practice on the internet.
Qroach said:
like in pgr2, I really enjoy the game even though it's a locked 30fps. If biz creations didn't tell anyone I bet people wouldn't have been able to tell if it was 30 or 60.

Anyone, guys, girls, found the solution to the framerate issue!

If you keep repeating that in your head hundreds of times, after a while you'll start believing it's actually true.

Problem solved, now devs will only have to worry about content, who cares about decent framerates!
Qroach said:
No I can see a difference, I seem to recall arguing tha tteh avergae game can't tell the difference. I also argued that I'd rather have a locked 30 than a fluctuating 60 any day.

like in pgr2, I really enjoy the game even though it's a locked 30fps. If biz creations didn't tell anyone I bet people wouldn't have been able to tell if it was 30 or 60.

Also I thought it was stupid to use video clips as examples of 60 fps games, as thaat's common practice on the internet.

Actually, I remember that argument getting quite out of hand, mainly you bringing up PS2 'flaws' and TV refresh-rates apart from also getting the framerate in PGR1 wrong, that led me to believe that you weren't only arguing on the stance on what the average consumer sees, but also out of personal experience! :p

Still I think Halo 3 should be 60 fps for obvious reasons. And before this gets into a platform debate again, I'll just say for the record that I officially hate KillZone if they fail to deliver 60 fps and give us a halfed framerate. o_O