Halo 3 Ready?

I would be extremely surprized if this news were true... even if Bungie started work on Halo 3 immediately after finishing Halo 2 , that would mean they would have only been developing Halo 3 for less than 2 years at this point .... with the amount of time that Halo 2 took to make, and the fact that Halo 3 is on a next gen system, I think it's highly unlikely that Halo 3 will come out anytime before 2007, or perhaps late 2006.......

.. the only remote way Halo 3 would be released anytime soon, IMO, is if Bungie had part of their team start on Halo 3 even before Halo 2 was finished..
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Wunderchu said:
I would be extremely surprized if this news were true... even if Bungie started work on Halo 3 immediately after finishing Halo 2 , that would mean they would have only been developing Halo 3 for less than 2 years at this point .... with the amount of time that Halo 2 took to make, and the fact that Halo 3 is on a next gen system, I think it's highly unlikely that Halo 3 will come out anytime before 2007........
They were working on hardware beyond Xbox when producing Halo2.
Lets put it this way. Halo is the core of Xbox success. Who do you think Microsoft gave 100% inside tech and support? Bungie could have had stuff way before other devs.
RavenFox said:
They were working on hardware beyong Xbox when producing Halo2.
ya I kinda' realized the same thing after a moment .. (I have edited my other post)

.. but I still think that it's incredibly unlikely that Halo 3 will be released anytime soon
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Edit: Sorry That didnt make any sense. Excitement gets the better of good judgement at times. My apologies.
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I think they had cut a lot of features from H2 to start making H3 and counter attack PS3 in launch day (like Gates said), howerver this may have 2 implications bad suport of the HW (unless they had acess to some special samples from testing of the chips, taking in account that the chip are prototiped long before, Right?), but if they are waiting for PS3 this mean that they should have the majority of the game made, ie, lot of time to test, tune, add features, debug etc...

I am not sure if I should like or not, buying a thingh that cleary dont use what it should, or having (potentialy) a great game, ok the second is great but stil dont like to underused HW.
I should hope it's not ready, for the sake of the game. And I'm pretty sure it's not. This one should be given plenty of time in the oven, I hope.
Why would they need to let the manufacturers know that it is ready when they are far from releasing it? Yeah, its just sitting at the mastering plant. Suuure it is.
After the public announcement of Gates' ambitious plan to release Halo 3 alongside the PS3, everyone went apeshit...however, Gates (i think twice since then) has restated that Halo 3 will launch "when it's ready". Personally, i consider this a sure-fire hint that Halo 3 development is nowhere near completion...and he rephrased this comment when there was still word on the street that the PS3 would reach the fans no sooner than fall 2006 (not that this still isn't the case, but w/e)....mere speculation of the PS3 hitting shelves this spring was absurd.

In that sense, i find the chances of Halo 3 being ready at this particular moment, to put it politely...unlikely.
Seems bogus to me. Why would MS want to release Halo 3 now when the demand is outstripping the supply of consoles? Every single XB360 manufactured will be sold over the next 12 months without the help of Halo 3. It's late in 2007 when they need to create a big stir to maximize hardware sales.
Titanio said:
I should hope it's not ready, for the sake of the game. And I'm pretty sure it's not. This one should be given plenty of time in the oven, I hope.

I agree, I don't know how the rest felt about Halo 2 but i was pretty disappointed in the single player. The multiplayer was great for a long time but then people figured out how to cheat. After like 4 months everytime my clan used the match feature we'd get hooked up with cheaters over half the time. It was ridculous. To make a comparison, if anyone played the orignal SOCOM, the cheating was almost just as bad as it got on SOCOM.

"At 2005's E3, Gates was quoted by Time magazine as saying that Halo 3 would be released at the same time as Sony's PlayStation 3, which is due later this year. Execs at Microsoft and developers at Bungie both scratched their heads at the statement, with Microsoft's president of the entertainment and devices division, Robbie Bach, bluntly saying, "Halo 3 is something that we'll ship when it's ready."

Gates admitted that his statement may have been premature. "It's up to the team [at Bungie] when they want to ship [Halo 3], and they're going to take their time to make that a super great product," Gates told Engadget. "So even we don't know when that will come out." Gates' comments already have industry pundits predicting that the game will likely now launch either in November, as have previous Halos, or around the premiere of the Halo movie in summer 2007."
For thoses interested

Just posting to say that if this news is proved true., then the info must had come out of nowhere. Best kept MS related secret, ever.

I'll try to ask the Hexus goons, and see what kind of "insider" provide them this piece of news.
gears of war in september, halo3 in december. They are not going to release the game without any advertisement, teasing or any of the sort.
one said:
At least it won't be released in a season to interfere with Gears of War.
That articles suggest that the masters are ready to be duplicated. Which means that the game is, at the maximum, one month away...
I don't believe it at all. Bungie hasn't inflicted near enough impatient frustration on its fanbase yet.
Titanio said:
I should hope it's not ready, for the sake of the game. And I'm pretty sure it's not. This one should be given plenty of time in the oven, I hope.

Inane_Dork said:
I don't believe it at all. Bungie hasn't inflicted near enough impatient frustration on its fanbase yet.
Vysez said:
Just posting to say that if this news is proved true., then the info must had come out of nowhere. Best kept MS related secret, ever.

After all the different ways Halo 2 info leaked (testers,etc), and the way the game leaked, I can't see Halo 3 being as close as that insider claims without running into the same problems.

Plus MS would be better off to let Halo the movie and Halo 3 feed off each others marketing campaigns and hype.