Halflife 2- first screenshot

Starship troopers


Looks quite similar, doesn't it :)
rabidrabbit said:
Starship Troopers is one of my top 5 favorite films.
Marconelly! wrote just the reasons why it is so great.

Many people just went in and expected to see a simple scifi action flick, and didn't see the satire.

STS is one of my favorite films of all time, and I will go a step farther than people are comfortable with.. I even love the TV Show.
argh comparing a Half-life with the worst film in the universe...
Never seen Reign of Fire have you?
Or how about older stuff like StarGate, ID4, Lost in Space...? :p

Marc said it best about Starship troopers, but to add my 2c, the movie was above all - entertaining, unlike a few others in the same genre.