Half Life 3 speculation thread

Better vehicle controls plskthnx.
Don't mind if they pull a Bioware on this... ;)
I don't care what you say about HF2, so it really didn't have anything new that blew us away. It is still better than alot of shooters out there. Heck I'd rather play HF2 than Crysis. Sure Crysis has great graphics, but gameplay wise is a disapointment. I'd rather have HF2 graphics with good gameplay than have Crysis 3 graphics with crappy gameplay. Heck Doom has better gameplay than Crysis does. FarCry 2 is better than Crysis.
The hate towards Crysis is strong with this one :) But in all honesty its one of the best FPS game with quite a few unique ideas.And Personally ,I don't think HL2 is the pinnacle of FPS games good game nonetheless but not the best.And I love to say this everytime I thought Doom 3 was one of the crappiest shooters I've ever played...sorry just can't resist.

As for HL3, well I'll be damned if Valve plans to even release EP3 till next year...only then we shall talk of HL3.
I don't care what you say about HF2, so it really didn't have anything new that blew us away. It is still better than alot of shooters out there. Heck I'd rather play HF2 than Crysis. Sure Crysis has great graphics, but gameplay wise is a disapointment. I'd rather have HF2 graphics with good gameplay than have Crysis 3 graphics with crappy gameplay. Heck Doom has better gameplay than Crysis does. FarCry 2 is better than Crysis.

My opinion: Crysis is the epitome of FPS genre! It has the most fun gameplay for a shooter. People always think that Crysis is all pretty graphics with dumb gameplay. Its Not ! Its awesome gameplay with brilliant graphics. In fact its the gameplay which keeps me going back to Crysis not the graphics.The gunplay is great and unique in Crysis. The only FPS which also rose to such heights was KZ2. The feel of holding a gun is purely "something else" in both of these games. Rest are just cameras with a toy gun attached to them.

As for HL2, well we used to play HL for days, but I have never finished or EP1 or EP2. I started them all and but never finished it all the way. It is good, but not upto what other games are offering in the FPS genre. HL2 had completely wowed me when it came out, because of the GFX which would run great even on medium PCs and the Physics based puzzles and gameplay. But it is not something I can replay again, I have tried twice but left it midway.

I think it was the episodic system which ruined it for me. It never felt like I am getting a new game, and it felt exactly like HL2 all over again.

I would rather they make a HL3 than give us EP3 ! Anyways we have got two iterations of so many games while we just got those 2 episodes from Valve. The episodes will work only if they get released every 6 months. If it takes more than a year, better work more on it and give us a full new game.

Or my loyalty moves on to other games n studios..........
Crysis so great? No, its just another shooter. Fair gameplay, but nothing new. Oh my, I have a suit that has powers! Please, its a suit, other games have has suits, with powers. Nothing new here. Big world? Not as big as FC2. HL2, sure good game, not as good as HF1 though, but still a good game. Crysis is a good game, but there are better FPS games out there, just don't look as pretty as Crysis. Crysis is better way better than Doom 3. Doom 3, was ok, really a disapointment. Each FPS game is diffrent. I hope they do make a HF2:E3. I can wait for HF3 for another 8 years.
I'll tell you one thing, FPS games need to improve. Take it like this. I would love to see a FPS game with a great story, 30 hours of play, new game play, something we haven't seen that would blow us away. We a new FPS game that raises the bar higher than any other FPS game. The bar was set with Doom, GE, HL, PD, Halo, FC. Sure, other FPS games have come out, Halo 2, Halo 3, MW, WOW, MW2, Crysis, FC2, PDZ, TS1,2,3, BFBC1,2, Bio Shock1,2, and many other FPS games, but they are all just matching the FPS Bar. None of them have broken the bar yet in terms of gameplay, they just improved GP, yet they haven't raised the bar. Look at it like this, GE, PD, made the bar, than came TE,1,2,3, sure improved game, same game play, nothing new. Oh wow the m.e., rpg maker 95 has that, so did a NES game. Sure new, hasn't been seen in a FPS game to this point, but its just an added feature that we have seen in other games, nothing new we haven't seen yet. TE was pretty much PD, just looked better, ran better, but the game play was the same. The bar now stands at FC1 or 2, which ever you perfer. Sure you can say Crysis set the bar for graphics, but in terms of game play, it did not, FC still remains suprime. Really Crysis is just FC3 or FC 2.5, maybe 4, but really just the same game in a diffrent package.
I love Crysis and KZ 2 for the gunplay. The guns' feel and firing are completely diff from ither shooters out there.
I replay Crysis multiple times because to me it offers unique fun gameplay among all the other FPSs out there. As for the suit powers, I hardly use them. Its not the suit that raises Crysis to the top, its the gunplay and well designed open levels.

But then one can't really argue about why you don't like what I like ;) !
To me Crysis was the fresh air among FPSs nit HL2. HL 2 wowed me and I had fun, but it wasn't fresh air, bu more of the same.
Its like Uncharted 2. It wows you , you enjoy it a lot, but its still more of Uncharted.

Crysis stands apart, ...... for me for sure.