Half-Life 3 coming?

Isn't this game sceduled for 2012
That's just speculation. They haven't announced anything.

Valve's notorious for breaking deadlines anyway, sometimes by a year or more (remember when the HL2 source code leaked? That set the game back a long while...)

since the said they wanted to make the whole game using a new graphic engine
Never heard any such announcement. What's your source for that claim?

si this is just a anticipation building up tool
It's not a building-up anything tool, as it's already been confirmed FAKE.
At least the new Counter-Strike is coming out soon:). But it's not made by Valve, just financed and with a console focus, sotf ot like a spin-off of the main series.
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Let's bump the old thread:

Valve employee was spotted wearing this on some game dev conference in Seattle:


and some rumors
It was a shirt that employee had made back months ago, nothing more. That news story was old and debunked when you linked it, Kaotik.
I've been looking around but I can't find anything about it:

Has Episode 3 been scratched in order to bring out Half Life 3?

The episodic scheme justified the cliffhanger endings and the after-cliffhanger beginnings, but launching Half Life 3 with a story that follows the events of Episode 2 would be too strange for players that aren't yet familiarized with the franchise.
Valve has said neither hair nor hide with regards to HL2:EP3, or HL3 or anything of that sort. Very frustrating. I'm not sure they've even confirmed the next part is under development, but I assume that reasonably it has to be.

As for any future installment's familiarability for newcomers to the franchise, isn't that the same for pretty much all serial games? You can't really NOT follow up on the events of EP2, they're too dramatic to just skip over in any way shape or form. Gordon and Alyx are gearing up to kick some Combine worm-butt, and you have to let those events play out or it will be very unfulfilling to us gamers who have waited so fecking long now. Part 3 is now starting to inch up on the time it took to release the original HL2, so they have to deliver a sizeable portion, action- and story-wise.
As for any future installment's familiarability for newcomers to the franchise, isn't that the same for pretty much all serial games?

I don't think we can generalize like that. Half Life 2 was perfectly playable and understandable without knowing the events of Half Life 1, partly because there's a sizeable time lag between the two stories.

That's not the case in HL2 -> Ep. 1 -> Ep. 2. Things happen imediately after one another, so playing Ep2 without playing the others feels really awkward. Especially as they all end in huge cliffhangers.

Episodic content still makes sense IMO as long as they don't spend more than 1,5 - 2 years between episodes, or they risk releasing the games for different gamers generations and making people forget what happened before.
Episode 3 / HL3 has crossed that threshold way long ago, in my opinion.
People have crossed the "anticipation" period and are getting into the "I don't give a sh**" period.

At least for me, I'd have much preferred an Episode 3 in 2009 than Left for Dead 2, which was criticized to the bone for launching way too early. (BTW I purchased L4D2 and never played the game, and I don't feel like playing the game any time soon TBH.. I'm just full of the whole Zombie movies+tv series+game histeria right now.)
People have crossed the "anticipation" period and are getting into the "I don't give a sh**" period.

No they're not. :D

They may SAY they are, but they're lying, of course, maybe trying to convince themselves of it even. When HL3/EP3 finally launches however they'll be there frothing at the mouth to play it just like everybody else.

I mean, why would you not care just because you have to wait a while? Doesn't make much sense does it. It's not like we've had to wait 12 friggen years like with Duke4 now is it. :)