GTA 4 on PS3 in 2006?

According to an alleged employee of Rockstar North in Glasgow, Scotland, the next installment in the GTA series "will be titled Grand Theft Auto: London and will take place in the Great City of London in 1997."

If true, this sounds suspiciously like Rockstar trying to claim the "Great City" back from Sony's
supposedusurpers to the crime-drivin' throne. Also, if you recall, there was a PC expansion to the first GTA in 1999 called Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, so this is either a bad rumor or a likely remake of old material.

According to our source (who admittedly doesn't have the most perfect spelling), the "3 Island" system will be replaced by a new "North, East, South, West" system, and the main character will be an ex-gangster starting off in the "rough-and-tumble east end of London." Unlocked regions are to include the North End, South End, and West End, in order. The game is supposed to be about 60% finished, with the graphics and physics engines both completed. The focus is now mainly on the game's story component. The game is currently set to launch with the Playstation 3 in North America and Europe in Q4 2006. With about a year's work already done, the PlayStation 3's "fantastic graphical power" should provide some better horsepower under the hood of the sandbox series.

Now keep in mind this is a rumor, so don't blast me. I don't think the game will come out at launch on the PS3 in NA, but a late Q4 date could be possible. But at the same time it seems to early. It seems like R* would want at least two years with the PS3 to get the best performance (they got the PS3 devkits in fall of last year).

What do you guys think?

Aren't Rockstar North based in Edinburgh? So that makes this article BS - but the PlayStation 3 will probably have first dibs on it as the Houser brothers have harped on in the past about wanting a bigger capacity than DVD for next generation.
The article says 'set to launch alongside the PS3' but has rockstar said this at any point? Where is joystiq getting this from?
I really don't believe this article considering the information inside doesn't sit well with earlier, official announcements by Rockstar. Rockstar said they were getting, or had gotten development kits in August for the PS3 and this article states they've been working on GTA4 for a full year, placing their development kits all the way back in 2004. Perhaps they were using some sort of PC replacement but even then I don't see why they would show off Red Dead Revolver 2 instead of GTA4 if they were indeed a good ways along in the engine even back at E3.

Also, why London? The reason given which is to combat The Getaway makes no sense considering The Getaway has not taken away anything from GTA's popularity on the PS2 and San Andreas connected Liberty City to San Andreas very well. I'd expect them to continue hitting the MANY spots left in the US.

We'll see, but I don't think this is true.
centerofadmiration said:
I really don't believe this article considering the information inside doesn't sit well with earlier, official announcements by Rockstar. Rockstar said they were getting, or had gotten development kits in August for the PS3 and this article states they've been working on GTA4 for a full year, placing their development kits all the way back in 2004. Perhaps they were using some sort of PC replacement but even then I don't see why they would show off Red Dead Revolver 2 instead of GTA4 if they were indeed a good ways along in the engine even back at E3.

Also, why London? The reason given which is to combat The Getaway makes no sense considering The Getaway has not taken away anything from GTA's popularity on the PS2 and San Andreas connected Liberty City to San Andreas very well. I'd expect them to continue hitting the MANY spots left in the US.

We'll see, but I don't think this is true.

Rockstar stated in a old mag issue that they were tired of the states now, and wanted to do europe as a base line
centerofadmiration said:
I Rockstar said they were getting, or had gotten development kits in August for the PS3 and this article states they've been working on GTA4 for a full year, placing their development kits all the way back in 2004.

I always thought they received the kits back in August of 2004 close to when Hideo received his too.
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
Rockstar stated in a old mag issue that they were tired of the states now, and wanted to do europe as a base line

Oh did they? Hmmm... I see this as competition to The Getaway. I wonder how Sony feels about this? So should care because GTA will bring them more sales than any Getaway game could.
GTA game set in "London" will not be really set in London, will it? I mean all the games thus far have been only reminiscent of real sities and areas, with made up names too.
Getaway should have a closer likeliness to real London, so it'll appeal to people differentely than a GTA fantasy setting would, so they'd not really be competing against each other...
Or am I wrong, was the GTA "London" 2D game really set on an actual map of London?
centerofadmiration said:
Rockstar said they were getting, or had gotten development kits in August for the PS3 and this article states they've been working on GTA4 for a full year, placing their development kits all the way back in 2004. Perhaps they were using some sort of PC replacement but even then I don't see why they would show off Red Dead Revolver 2 instead of GTA4 if they were indeed a good ways along in the engine even back at E3.
Work would've been going on with PCs definitely. And the reason to show another game instead of GTA4 is varied. The game wouldn't have been up-to-snuff then (they wouldn't want to have a display like MTV PDZ), and Sony might've wanted to keep it for a later announcement for greater effect.

I don't think it'll be at launch, I do think it'll be PS3-only (for BRD if nothing else). I personally expect it early early-mid 2007.
rabidrabbit said:
GTA game set in "London" will not be really set in London, will it? I mean all the games thus far have been only reminiscent of real sities and areas, with made up names too.
Getaway should have a closer likeliness to real London, so it'll appeal to people differentely than a GTA fantasy setting would, so they'd not really be competing against each other...
Or am I wrong, was the GTA "London" 2D game really set on an actual map of London?

Well, the Getaway was quite realistic, obviously not ALL streets were there, but the ones that were there were in the right place and looked fine.

A GTA game set in London would be a Getaway game with different missions and characters... What's the point? I already know London, it's always the same. The Getaway "cool factor" of being set in a very realistic representation of London has worn off.

It's like releasing a GTA game set in Liberty City (again) just with different missions...
I agree that London doesn't sound to exiting. If they wanted something European why not Barcelona or something? As a gamer I don't want to play in New york or London ever again! ..I'm sure will be playing this game though. :)
mcmas come on, don't tell me that you can't smell the fabrication with this one;
professional terms like "PlayStation 3's "fantastic graphical power", confirmation of game's release and ps3's launch date, an "alleged rockstar employee" who can't spell right.....
I'll bet my right nutball that it still won't be all that realistic, and won't include all the newfangled crapula we're being fed with on a constant basis. I mean, if you look at the stage of the GTA franchise, what do you see? A rendition of San Andreas, very cartoonish, characters that cast no shadows but only a peevish blob, very low-polygon world and every entity, living or otherwise, composed of an incredibly low number of polygons, no facial animations, and for that matter, non-recognizalbe facial textures...

Think about it. With every new consecutive generation, all we're treated with is a new ATI or NVIDIA demo, showing one of two things:
a) An incredibly detailed rendering of a character that is modeled down to the most intricate details, utilizing all the latest advancemend in graphics technology...
b) A highly-detailed city (like the last ATI demo), again demonstraing all the prowess of the latest machinery (but still being a far-cry from the real world).

In order for a game to be a COMPLETELY photo-realistic representation of our real world, not only should it include EVERYHTHING from the above in numbers that FAR SURPASS anything that has been demonstrated so far (hence, 10000 characters, at the very least, on par with the same quality as that one model inhabiting the city, each being DIFFERENT, and by DIFFERENT I don't mean just add a beard or a stubble, but a COMPLETE revamp, perpaps leaving the skeletal system intact (and still it won't be realistic as each of us in the real world has his or her own strait or manner of speaking or what have you)) but it should also run at a decent 60fps+ framerate, and that my friends won't be possible for another 20-30 years or so (if ever).

Sure, technology is a great thing, but come to look at it from a bird's eye perspective, each generation closes the gap on the previous one, and the difference (excluding tech-demos) between the games that were produced at different timeframes (i.e. previous and next generation) are MINIMAL (example: GTA3 --> San Andreas).

So I wouldn't expect too much from the next GTA franchise, would you?
centerofadmiration said:
I really don't believe this article considering the information inside doesn't sit well with earlier, official announcements by Rockstar. Rockstar said they were getting, or had gotten development kits in August for the PS3 and this article states they've been working on GTA4 for a full year, placing their development kits all the way back in 2004. Perhaps they were using some sort of PC replacement but even then I don't see why they would show off Red Dead Revolver 2 instead of GTA4 if they were indeed a good ways along in the engine even back at E3.

Also, why London? The reason given which is to combat The Getaway makes no sense considering The Getaway has not taken away anything from GTA's popularity on the PS2 and San Andreas connected Liberty City to San Andreas very well. I'd expect them to continue hitting the MANY spots left in the US.

We'll see, but I don't think this is true.

london'd be good, sony'd probably lend the assets(HD photos of all of london along with building data), help with dev, alond with low or zero royalty in exchange for exclusivity.:smile:
considering the last 3 games the cities are in the order that they appeared in gta1, and gta london was an expansion for it, it seems it would be the logical choice to start a rumor with

the fact that it took them two years to make gta:sa using the renderware engine I doubt they could get a nextgen gta out in the same amount of time, since it's rumored they are using there own engine this time around

london'd be good, sony'd probably lend the assets(HD photos of all of london along with building data), help with dev, alond with low or zero royalty in exchange for exclusivity.

I doubt rockstar will use any real cities in the next game, it will probably be like the last games, where liberty city was in New York, vice city was in Florida, and san andreas was in California, this one would be some made up city in england
I hope they'd stick with a more cartoony graphics style for next gen GTA, it fits better the humour of the game. That's why I don't see them using real cities, real locations don't match with the made up joke names of known places, companies etc. that are part of the GTA games and are much of what makes the athmosphere of the games.
GTA set in 1980's "London" would be great.