Graphics add-in boards market update


Drunk Member

During Q2, AMD ate 4% of nVidias marketshare, AMD went up to 35% from 31%, while nVidia dropped from 68% to 64%, the rest 1% is shared among small players.

While the amount of cards shipped were 15% less than year ago, it was still big improvement over Q1 which was 33.1% behind the year ago numbers, so the markets are starting to recover from the decline on this front, too.
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good news. I was worried the add in board market was shrinking but hopefully this trend continues.

Looks to be heading relatively rapidly towards towards more mainstream products though:
The reason for the decline of graphics cards makers’ revenues is rather sharp drop of demand towards performance-class products and the increase in popularity of mainstream-class and value-class graphics boards. In Q2 both ATI, graphics business unit of Advanced Micro Devices, and Nvidia Corp. reduced pricing of their ATI Radeon HD 4870 and GeForce GTX 260 while introducing replacement products. The demand, however, followed the discounted products, which caused drops in revenues. Moreover, the segment of mainstream graphics boards got further boost with Radeon HD 4770/4850/4830 and a lot of customers decided to actually spend on those graphics boards, a very good sign.
The graph of income in the performance sector versus the other segments is rather dramatic viewing.

Interesting would this would imply for future product planning. Would be nice to also have some mobile numbers (and maybe even console licensing) to overlay against these to see the whole picture.
It seems that the drop in the performance sector is rather dramatic!
But are the data correct?

For example:

Total market (AIB) for Q3 2006 is 21,5 million units!
I guess the value segament is below 100$,
the mainstream 101-200$, the performance 201$-300$ and the Enthusiast >301$?

Let's say that the performance ASP was 250$!
3,7 billion is the market value of performance (Q3 2006)!

The performance segment's volume then should be nearly 14,8 million! (3,7b/250$ASP)
Is the performance segment 2/3 of the market (units) ?

Even if you take ASP like 350$ (which i think is way too high) the volume then should be nearly 10,6 million (half the market for volume)

I thought that if you combine value+mainstream segment the logical thing for quanitity (No of units) would be to be higher than performance segment!
Hmm, Xbit Labs article appears to be broken. The Performance datapoint for Q1 2007 is $3,625M on the graph while the table says that the total desktop market value is $3,544M for the same period.

Hmm, Xbit Labs article appears to be broken. The Performance datapoint for Q1 2007 is $3,625M on the graph while the table says that the total desktop market value is $3,544M for the same period.


Yes, how did i missed that?
You are a very good reader!
Q3 2009 GPU shipment numbers: JPR via Techreport.
What about growth for each company? Intel and AMD look like the winners there. Compared to the previous quarter, Intel enjoyed 25.2% growth in shipments, AMD saw 30.2%, and Nvidia just 3.3%. Compared to the same quarter a year before, JPR registered growth of 14.6% for Intel, 3.1% for AMD, and -4% for Nvidia (yep, that's a minus sign).
Maybe that should go in the Nvidia shows signs of strain thread lol