Gran Turismo 7 [PS]

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Watched Kie25 gt7 vr stream and also super gt reactions and they were amazed by immersion and quality. But what find interesting that track elevation and sense of speed are great in gt7 vr while in flat version are far from perfect. So PD needed vr to nail this two important aspects.
I seriously dont trust your opinion on anything Sony-related whatsoever, sorry.

As far as I can tell, the Sophy AI is only 'slower' through using de-spec'd machinery. And the behavior, while perhaps better than the completely braindead original GT AI, still isn't nearly good enough.

The VR support is the real big deal to me.

Sorry I was believing each race the different GT Sophy driver have the same car but are faster depending of the color green or violet. This is far from been a solve problem. They need the ability to make the AI drive at different speed. This is the missing part to make it interesting. If they arrive to do it, problem solve and they can use the AI in campaign mode.

They only solve part of the problem with AI car with good etiquette and able to be aware of other car.

In the first three races at each track, you compete against four Sophy opponents, each represented by different colors. The Sophy drivers all have the same skill level, but they are hindered by the type of car they are driving.

Green will always be the slowest opponent in your race, and the violet/purple car will be the fastest.
The difficulty of each race is determined by the car you are driving, so in the easier modes you’re given a faster car than the Sophy drivers, and in the Expert mode, you are on a more level playing field.

In all the races, as the human driver you will be starting in fourth, with the slightly slower green Sophy Verte car ahead of you, and the fastest Sophy Violette car behind you.

EDIT: But on the other side they have a mode where you battle Sophy AI in the same car and it is not unbeatable but far from perfect. They need a cap to the speed each AI is able to drive.

1-vs-1 Races
The most difficult challenge at each track comes in the 1-versus-1 mode, which pits you head-to-head against a single Sophy opponent in the exact same car. Your goal is to win this two-lap race from a side-by-side, standing start.

It can be done, but — believe me — it’s not easy!

The video at the top of this article includes footage of Gran Turismo World Champion Igor Fraga battling wheel-to-wheel with Sophy, and as you can see, it goes toe-to-toe with one of best Gran Turismo players of all-time.

My Impressions
I’m not bad at Gran Turismo, but I’m certainly not Igor Fraga or a GT World Tour driver. I assumed that Sophy would completely embarrass me during my demo. It was a very humbling experience — but I was, eventually, able to defeat it in the 1-vs-1 race at Tsukuba.

I was not able to record the race during my demo, but I can tell you it was one of the most thrilling challenges I’ve had in 25 years of playing Gran Turismo.

Sophy is incredibly quick, so the key to defeating it is to beat it to the first corner and get that position early. It is an aggressive but also very clean driver. In over a half hour of intense gameplay, I don’t recall any incidents or contact that was initiated by Sophy; all of the mistakes were my own.

When I’m under attack from a car behind me, I tend to get nervous and brake earlier than normal — and earlier than my opponent might expect. This leads me to frequently getting punted in braking zones or making my opponent think I’ve brake-checked them, which isn’t really fun for anybody.

Sophy, however, was able to anticipate this, like a highly skilled and experienced driver would. It never made contact with me, and it never panicked or lost control when I went to the brakes too soon.
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I'm not sure ultra polluting batteries are the answer either, just a placebo.
Yes thats a major issue. I am sure there are other solutions too. But these may not give the marketable performance that sells cars. Plus agreeing to a common technology that brings big money like lithium is economically more profitable for many businesses.
This is the world we have come to. The solutions are primarily checking for profitability. Other goals are secondary. The system just can't support other goals as a primary goal in terms of money, even though the definition and perception of what we call economy must expand beyond the focus in money.
I am not expert to know which brings the most pollution and what the consequences will be in the future for using electric cars. But imperfect solutions will always exist as long as money are the primary target
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yeah no miracle solution, even hydrogen cars would be problematic if they replaced all other cars, as the water vapour emissions would enhance the greenhouse effect.
So apparently I didn't save after my first race yesterday (came in 2nd), and when I started GT7 this morning I had to sit through the unskippable fifteen credits/intro movie again. Fuck you, GT7.
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So apparently I didn't save after my first race yesterday (came in 2nd), and when I started GT7 this morning I had to sit through the unskippable fifteen credits/intro movie again. Fuck you, GT7.
The intro is fucking unskippable??? Why?
The intro is fucking unskippable??? Why?
It's a massive long credits sequence which visually telling the history of automobiles then another massive long intro movie of what you will do in the game, which you cannot skip to actually get in the game.
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That doesn't make fossil fuels a better option. I'm just saying not dumping tons of CO2 directly into the air can only be a good thing. Although disposal of lithium batteries is another issue that nobody seems to be thinking about addressing
Not just the disposal of batteries using lithium, but the mining of lithium - much of which is predicated on questionable free labour (slaves). To be fair, most modern technology is only possible using chemicals and processes that are themselves incredibly non-green. This material is not just magically transformed into rainbows. :nope:

The issue I have with 'green' comparisons is that typically focus on the carbon footprint (with some questionable carbon accounting) but ignores other environment aspects that are no less worrying.

What I would say, is that I have to sit through that GT7 credits/intro sequence again I will be very, very annoyed.
Not just the disposal of batteries using lithium, but the mining of lithium - much of which is predicated on questionable free labour (slaves). To be fair, most modern technology is only possible using chemicals and processes that are themselves incredibly non-green. This material is not just magically transformed into rainbows. :nope:

The issue I have with 'green' comparisons is that typically focus on the carbon footprint (with some questionable carbon accounting) but ignores other environment aspects that are no less worrying.

What I would say, is that I have to sit through that GT7 credits/intro sequence again I will be very, very annoyed.
Your not wrong at all. Good post