Gigantic [XO]


Agent of the Bat
This is a a free to play game from developer Motiga. It was originally announced last year to come out only for the PC, but last March they announced it's now coming out for Xbox One & Windows 10. This thread is for the Xbox One version.




Check out their FAQ here...

Fill out this survey to join the beta...

Tommy McClain
Hm, looks quite interesting. I'll keep an eye on it.

But what does free-to-play exactly mean on X1? Do I need Live Gold or not?
I dig this game, and I think I've seen it before and liked it, especially some aspects of the art style. I didn't know it is a multiplayer game -only- but if it is as fun as Happy Wars, then...
It's basically a slightly different take on the MOBA genre. Except instead of having a stationary heart/base that the other team is trying to destroy (to win), you have a mobile heart/base, represented by a large monster, that can also attack.

It'll be interesting to see what MOBA F2P formula it follows. The DOTA 2 method where all heroes are available, and just costumes and compendiums are paid for? Unlikely, IMO. Or the League of Legends model with a limited rotating window of free to play heroes where you can buy heroes to unlock them permanently for your account as well as paying for costumes? More likely.

Some great visuals in the cutscenes. Feels rather wasted on the actual game style where the UI messes up the cartoon aesthetic.