GDC: Nintendo

does this mean revolution will also use MINI DVDR type of disks?
This is really good..backwards compatibility and WiFi OOTB. Also good to here Nintendo is serious about DS WiFi. I really do love all of this WiFi service stuff for Revolution/DS especially when it's...that's right FREE!!!. I just moved and at my new address I can FINALLY get DSL with WiFi. I've been paying $22/month for dialup for the past 3 yrs. :oops:

This global WiFi network is really good news for the built-in PictoChat IM. 8)

This also means the DS could now be used as a wireless input/output device/controller for Revolution with touch and text writing capability. It also means audio/ :devilish: video and/or graphics can be output to the DS by Revolution.

Now does anybody remember what Dave said about ATI working with Nintendo on the controller for Revolution? :D
cybamerc said:
rabidrabbit said:
Wasn't it "Eight of something", and the codename "Tarantula" :?
Some idiot made that up.

Eh? I remember PC-Engine calling it that (was the first time I had seen it here). Not that he was the one who made it up though.
Ty said:
Eh? I remember PC-Engine calling it that (was the first time I had seen it here).
He's no insider so either he's an idiot for believing it or he's an idiot for making it up.

Don't tell me you believe all the crap JVD posts as well?
cybamerc said:
He's no insider so either he's an idiot for believing it or he's an idiot for making it up.

Don't tell me you believe all the crap JVD posts as well?

Err...well I was just saying that he mentioned that term here. I doubt he made it up. Most likely just passed along a rumor.

What are the chances Nintendo will have some sort of movie playback in Revolution? What are the chances they'll switch to a $300 console pricing model? What are the chances they'll have a highend version of Revolution with HD DVD playback?
cybamerc said:
Ty said:
Eh? I remember PC-Engine calling it that (was the first time I had seen it here).
He's no insider so either he's an idiot for believing it or he's an idiot for making it up.

Don't tell me you believe all the crap JVD posts as well?

Hopefully not and i hope he doesn't believe all the crap you post :rolleyes:
I'm most excited by the possibilities of a DS/Revolution common online network. Same service: Two ways of accessing it. Same online games: Two ways of playing. See what I mean? :)
Evil_Cloud said:
What are the chances of downloadable firmware upgrades over this new Nintendo WiFI service?

Hopefully possible. I'd like to see DS's built-in software flashed to an online aware version that would let you IM other DS's over the net (and indeed, other Revolutions and vice versa). They could include the software with all online games so that when you play an online game for the first time, it'll first flash your DS software to become online aware..subsequently you could presumably get updates over the net.