worm[Futuremark said:
]I was pretty young too. I got a VIC-20, C-16 and C-64 but dumped the first two. I made a text-based game on the C-16 and ran out of memory!
It was nice with 128 colors and such, but too low on RAM. The VIC-20 was a joke really.. I remember the ad "Build Rome in a day", and I added "..and then you'll run out of memory". Heh.. Oh well.
Ohh yeah !! what a times !! i have so many questions regarding this stuff, i have kindda idea of how 3d works in a 2d plane (monitor). What is the basis of all 3d world !! Do, worm started progaming demos/intros with cd Amiga and C64, but then you went further to translate that to the power of PC's. Basically i would like to know where should i begin to do some 3d stuff.
I know that every 3d plot in a 3d matrix has its 2d equivalent throught a linear convertion, so that when having certaint coord (x,y,z), you can convert them to 2d (i,j).
i = z +
cos &
j = z - (x)cos &
or so. Let me speak my mind, you can variate the angle & so you can simulate rotation on that point. Or quite a couple of points (some millions) if you define regions and variate all of them from one limit to another given a f(x,y) function. Example: z = cos x / sen y. THEN: -10 <= X <= 10 and for each X: -10 <= Y <= 10. For each x,z,y you apply the convertion to i and j, and for a 3d point you have a 2d point paintable to the 2d screen, if you do so rotating the angles by changing & from one limit to another, then you have the beauty function f(x,y) = cos x / sen y rotating in the screen.
Now if you joint the points with lines and define planes, then you can apply textures and lights and... well, i dont know, i have never done that but i imagine its kinnda the very basics of 3d rendering.
Worm, or anyone else, where can i learn from this to be such a coder like you?? Is this the principles you, worm, walked by when at the begining to achive the background needed to do the stuff you can do nowadays??