Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid


It premiered on the 13th, but the first fansub of it just came out about an hour ago.

I've already watched the raw and liked what I saw, but I still can't wait to see what in the hell I already watched!

I'd post a link to the torrent since it's not license outside of Japan yet since it's new, but I think it might make some too uncomfortable here so I'll refrain.

(Besides, you know I got it posted up over at EB in our anime section! ;) )

Any other FMP fans out there? The Second Raid is supposed to take place right after the Commander visiting the school double episdodes of Fumafoo. (I heard that on a forum, so I ain't sure)
I love the first series :devilish:, Also managed to watch Fullmetal Panic: Fumoffu which is more Ecchi than Meccha [BTW DW i recommend you try Midori No Hibi. Exceptionaly funny, heart warming and sureal at the same time....well what funny escapades can you expect from a hardnut who has a girl for a hand :oops:]. Already seen the preview and English sub of TSR and i love it 8). Seriously cannot wait for some more episodes :devilish:

Just out of interest, why did they make Sourke so thick in Fumoffu...and also is he into that bondage crap or what. He seems to get twated by that bird so many times.....and whats with that bird....she fancies him [blatantly obvious], get Jealous when the Captain comes over [who made it blatantlty clear she want him] or any girl who throws their bossums at him in a manour that displeases her, constantly desires his attention, and yet she twats him....if this isn't the biggest example of anime bondage, i don't know what is.....but its all good :devilish:, do like a bit of bondage in the morning. ;)

Your vote in. Who is Sourke gonna end up with: The captain or Tessa....hmmmm thats a tough one. I like the Captain, she appears like a very nice girl, someone one can share a life experience with, but Tessa....ohhh, the bondage and hentai side of me is iching for some nastiness and it appears there is more to her character that what the animators give.....damn why can't they invent halucinegins that allow you to see the world as anime....its getting sickening when one begins to pick women based on Anime characters....... :oops:
Souske, and I didn't like Midori No Hibi that much...not my cup-o-tea. Right now I'm working my way thru Rurouni Kenshin with Azumanga Daioh on the side for levity and so I can know what Hanners avatar is about. ;)

BTW-Souske isn't "thick", he's socially retarded for all practical purposes. It's not that he's stupid, he's just never been in a school environment. He was raised since he was a small child fighting in wars, he's only known the military lilfe/life of a soldier thus the comedic elements of Fumaffu. (Which is me fave anime)
No i didn't mean he's thick, i know fully well what you were refering to, but in Full metal panic: Fumoffu, they emphasised those aspects so much as to make him thick, sort of like what they did to Homer Simpson although i am not comparing Sourke to Homer. It just seems wrong [and yet soooo right :devilish: ] that he is constantly twated by Tessa for being himself.....hmmm.
I enjoyed the first ep of 2nd raid, though the mechs look a lot like the from Patlabor this time around. If you enjoyed Fumoffu and Azumanga. Go watch School Rumble. It's one of my faves.
You're about the third person who's recomended School Rumble to me. It's on my list, but it's hard to find since they licensed it. :(
I'm too obsessed with Gundam Seed Destiny right now, but I'll try and check out FMP when GSD is over.
I haven't had time to watch the first ep of TSR yet, but Fumoffu is just brilliant. Souske is just such a smooth talker that it's impossible not to like him. :) Along with FLCL it's definitley my favorite comedy show.

Gundam Seed Destiny however, UGH. I liked the first Seed, but in Destiny it just feels like they've completely butchered the characters. The recent development between Shinn and Luna just made me go 'No.' and then I stopped watching, hehe. I'll probably finish it sometime when all the eps are out, but for now I can't stand it.