For the coders: what's about the naughty dog' project ?


What you thoughts aobut this game? According to your opinion the graphics of this game will be the new standard on ps3 and will be a game like jak and daxter with a free and infinite world in streaming ? The island will be able to compete with that one of crysis?. I'm curious about your opinions :)

Forgive my broken english :oops:
Well, its not that your english is crippled; we just dont know much about Naughty Dog's new project...not even the actual name. Judging from the quality of the E3 trailer (and how few titles...PS3 or otherwise...have still really had a hard time matching it on certain graphical levels, namely the animation IMO), we know that Naughty Dog is off to a great start...but not much else.
unfortunately it is true that of of the game a lot is not known but to me would appeal to to little know the hopes and opinions on those that has been looked at and that I find incredible.However thanks for the answer avon :smile:
I hope they'll scrap that Pitfall style and make a "Way of the Warrior" spinoff action game like Midway did with Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero.
Well, its not that your english is crippled; we just dont know much about Naughty Dog's new project...not even the actual name. Judging from the quality of the E3 trailer...
Also we can't even be sure of E3 trailers. Until we see game screenshots and movies, actually from people playing it, no comments can be made about technical achievements.
Also we can't even be sure of E3 trailers. Until we see game screenshots and movies, actually from people playing it, no comments can be made about technical achievements.

but naughty dog has said that the entire trailer is real time with models in-game :eek:
but naughty dog has said that the entire trailer is real time with models in-game :eek:

So did the Killzone team, and so did lots of other people. Doesn't make it true. For the record, i'm not saying that the Naughty Dog video was CGI, to be honest i don't know, but it's clear that we should never take their word at face value.
I can see them achiving the visual part of the game though, It for sure looked really nice and maybe tops most other games out there right now, but it still looked attainable. But since it was a movie and all I am sure that there are many scripted parts and that their animation might not be at the stage implied by the trailer, but it would be surely nice to get some for sure real time footage of it...
There's an interview with Evan Wells ( ND's Lead Game Designer ), its quite interesting he goes on about the game and the technology enjoy :)
IGN: Definitely. Of course, we think that the most important question that a lot of people have right now is "how much of that footage was CG and how much was real-time?"

Wells: The entire trailer was rendered in real-time using our PS3 game engine. All of the models, textures, shaders and effects are in-game.

From the IGN interview.
From the IGN interview.
Still, go look at IGN's screenshots and tell me how much AA is going on there. Then factor in how the animation differs (consider MGS4's in-engine trailer versus in-engine gameplay for the huge difference that can make) and various other points, and you realize that what's shown in such a trailer can't be taken at face value of what the game will be like. Trailers are sometimes too good, sometimes not good enough and the game improves considerably by release, and to consider the technical merits you really need something being shown in realtime.
Still, go look at IGN's screenshots and tell me how much AA is going on there. Then factor in how the animation differs (consider MGS4's in-engine trailer versus in-engine gameplay for the huge difference that can make) and various other points, and you realize that what's shown in such a trailer can't be taken at face value of what the game will be like. Trailers are sometimes too good, sometimes not good enough and the game improves considerably by release, and to consider the technical merits you really need something being shown in realtime.

The animation in the JAK games was way beyond what was in MGS2/3 on PS2. Also technically i dont think there are many game's on PS2 that can compete with JAK 3's engine :)
So did the Killzone team, and so did lots of other people. Doesn't make it true. For the record, i'm not saying that the Naughty Dog video was CGI, to be honest i don't know, but it's clear that we should never take their word at face value.

For what it's worth, I think the Naughty Dog stuff was realtime, one of the best examples of nextgen technology IMHO. They need to finetune the art, it looks a bit bland now, but the assets, details and such are first class.
Wells: The entire trailer was rendered in real-time using our PS3 game engine. All of the models, textures, shaders and effects are in-game.
That doesn't mean it was gameplay. That doesn't mean that someone was actually capturing it while playing the game, or even what framerate it was running at (when capturing from engine, you can fake any framerate you want). In fact, I question whether the game was really far enough along at that stage to be able to say that.
So did the Killzone team, and so did lots of other people. Doesn't make it true. For the record, i'm not saying that the Naughty Dog video was CGI, to be honest i don't know, but it's clear that we should never take their word at face value.

But the trailer of navarro (we call it therefore) looks at clearly that it is real Time while killzone it was too much perfect in order to trick people over a long time span,beyond all, the engine of jak has not been struck from nobody in 6 years of life of ps2 from the geometric point of view
Oh god i created a mini-monster!

I never meant to say that i think the video is CGI, i don't. I meant to say that i am finding it very, extremely, impossibly difficult to take what these people say at face value these days.

I don't think the video was CGI, but at the same time, if someone says "It was 100% realtime, believe me!" then i tend not to believe them and put myself in "wait and see" mode, simply because it is very hard to pick the PR from the techie talk these days, as it seems that the techie guys have become PR men and vice versa. And since i know PR, i tend to be very careful with it.
Oh god i created a mini-monster!

I never meant to say that i think the video is CGI, i don't. I meant to say that i am finding it very, extremely, impossibly difficult to take what these people say at face value these days.

I don't think the video was CGI, but at the same time, if someone says "It was 100% realtime, believe me!" then i tend not to believe them and put myself in "wait and see" mode, simply because it is very hard to pick the PR from the techie talk these days, as it seems that the techie guys have become PR men and vice versa. And since i know PR, i tend to be very careful with it.

eheheh forgive me i understand london but this game makes me crazy and naughty dog are not guerrilla .... ;)