I agree. But its not the analog parts that separate these chips' functionality between DX8 or DX9.BobbleHead said:However it is also the analog parts that are most likely to get passed along between individual products, as long as they stick with a specific fab/process. All of the 0.15 Nvidia (or ATI) chips generally use the same process. When that is the case, the analog stuff is designed once for that process, and then left mostly as-is, unless they are broken or deficient in some way. So ATI's R200/RV250/R300 likely use many of the same analog parts (PLLs, DLLs, DACs, I/Os, etc...) because there is no reason to waste resources redesigning them. So if NV34 were to be a 0.15 version of some cut down NV30/31 logic, it's likely that many of the analog parts are pulled from the nv25/28. And future 0.13 designs from Nivida and ATI will probably share many of the analog parts with the nv30 and rv350.
I'll defer to your estimates on synthesis time. (though I didn't suggest it was started at 80%, only that it took about 20% of the project's scheduled time.).