First downloadable PS3 game revealed - flOw


Kind of inadvertently revealed through a jobs ad, but IGN got further info:

IGN contacted That Game Company's developer and president Kellee Santiago who revealed that the game is for a service which will offer downloadable casual games, likely similar to Xbox Live Arcade, and will be available for download on the PlayStation 3's launch day. She went on to say the game would be a port of That Game Company's admittedly addictive, bright blue, and currently free web game flOw.

These guys, somewhat strangely, are working internally at Sony's Santa Monica studio now. That, and the requirements of the job ad suggest the PS3 version should be much enhanced over the currently available game, which you can play here:

These are the same guys, btw, who made the rather excellent Cloud.
Someone needs to make this into a DLC game!

Btw, flow is fun. I had played it before when it showed up on Ebaums. Kind of boring after a while, but the concept is neat. Kind of like spore-lite. Build your little creature by attacking other stuff. Good time waster, although it would be nice if it was more indepth. I definately would not buy it, but as a free mini game it is a blast for a good 30 minutes.
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Acert93 said:
I definately would not buy it, but as a free mini game it is a blast for a good 30 minutes.

Yeah, it can't be a straight port of it as is! I mean with the PS3 browser anyone could play it for free (as long as it supports flash). I think it's safe to say this version will be much expanded upon, however.
Titanio said:
Yeah, it can't be a straight port of it as is! I mean with the PS3 browser anyone could play it for free (as long as it supports flash). I think it's safe to say this version will be much expanded upon, however.

Oh definately. If they are tasking them to work on a PS3 version it will definately be bigger/longer/better. It has a neat concept and could get some legs, lind of like a 2D version of spore, or just an old school shooter, but on a microbe level.

Hopefully the PS3 does support flash :D Who needs XBLA when there are a billion flash games out there? It could even be the start of a new flash genre--PS3 Flash games :oops: Or with Nintendo-Opera, a "Console-Flash" game where they leverage the hardware maybe?
Makes you wonder how many small companies and developers like this Sony has picked up.
Surely this cannot be the only game (or small company/team) they wanted to offer over the sony network.
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Qroach said:
Xbox arcade already suppoorts flash. a couple of the games up there are made using flash.

Very, very cool!

Now when will we get a browser? I wanna terrorize B3D from a console :devilish:
Acert93 said:
Very, very cool!

Now when will we get a browser? I wanna terrorize B3D from a console :devilish:

I think it would be in Microsoft's best interest to keep the games from only being available through Live Arcade. :D

However, I suspect that once the PS3 and Wii are released with browsers, the 360 Dashboard will receive another little 'upgrade'.

Gotta love competition, eh?
It's nice to see Sony supporting this type of thing also.

I can only imagine with MS and Sony doing this type of stuff we'll see more interest for it by developers and possibly more interest by MS and Sony themselves (competition between them will likely cause them to seek out more exclusive goodies for themselves and such).

I rather like Live Arcade, but it needs more games! It often ends up being the case that when companies copy each other, the consumer benefits the most, and this seems like one of those times.
Bad_Boy said:
Makes you wonder how many small companies and developers like this Sony has picked up.
Surely this cannot be the only game (or small company/team) they wanted to offer over the sony network.
Going back to this question...
I really wonder how many partnerships they have going on with this EDI thing.
Guess we will find out in 6 months.
nintenho said:
How? I'm really stuck. Do you wait for them to change color?

Well basically the plankton (?) with a red dot transfers u to a lower level and the ones with a blue dot transfers you up a level. At each level you eat.

For the bigger life forms, you keep on attacking their individual parts (either that or you gotta encircle them...not sure which) with your mouth until they change colour to white and break down to smaller parts. When you eat, you grow.

When you get the the bottommost level, its pitch black and theres a slightly bigger version of yourself there and you battle him, attacking each segment of his body (he'll try to do the same for you though). Each time you successfully attack (with your mouth), his part fades (and vice versa) until his body is completely faded, at which point you win (And he breaks down into different pieces.)

(and nobody say it could be a she...:devilish: )
Nice. Like Bad_Boy said I wonder how many teams are working with Sony with these downloadable games? It surprises me that this small team is actually working with Team Santa Monica.:oops: Talk about resources.
Played Flow last night... that's pretty cool, if not a bit simple -- the music was very nice.

It did remind me of my irrational fear of not being able to see the bottom of an abyss or anything akin to that (be it deep water or whatever) while being shown from the top down (so it's just dark below you) -- hard to explain, but going deeper in Flow certainly gave me a very uncomfortable initial feeling every time I went down a level. Hurray for being irrational. =p

I'm curious about Cloud -- it seemed it was a DL only and not a simple flash game... anyone try it out?