Final Fantasy XV [XO, PS4, PC]

This will be a beautiful game, sad they didn't manage to add in VXGI but VXAO will be a good fit anyway. Will double dip, enjoyed the game on Ps4.
TurfFX, HairWorks and Flow will be usable on AMD GPUs too while HFTS and VXAO only work with NVIDIA graphics cards.

This will be a beautiful game, sad they didn't manage to add in VXGI but VXAO will be a good fit anyway. Will double dip, enjoyed the game on Ps4.

Unfortunately and it would also go on AMD GPUs.

"Finally, if you saw the original announcement of VXGI at Maxwell launch, you may think it works only on Maxwell. That's not true. Maxwell does have some useful hardware features, but the only one relevant to VXAO is pass-through geometry shaders, which improve voxelization performance by approximately 30%, and they can be safely replaced with regular geometry shaders. So VXGI in general and VXAO in particular can work on all DX11 class GPUs, including ones made by NVIDIA competitors, but Maxwell GPUs deliver the best performance. It’s not limited to DX11 either: DX12 and OpenGL 4.5 are also supported."
Gameworks infested.
Looks like a port that was mostly paid for by nvidia though.
As we now typically see from gameworks infestation, looks like there's a lot of off-screen and sub-pixel triangle rendering in the demo.
Among other things.

As it stands now, this benchmark is functionally useless as a means of determining component value. It is bereft of realism and plagued with, at best, optimization issues.
Until a time at which Square Enix can properly enable GameWorks settings, and can properly cull unnecessary objects that place high load on the system, we can't rely on the benchmark utility for relative performance.
Cowgate? Cowmageddon?

The fact that the benchmark seems to be limited to specific resolutions doesn't bode well. Fixed AR is a classic sign of consolitis.
to much game works , will skip this and pick up dragon ball z instead
You do not have to enable gameworks - assuming the demo is bugged and the issue is resolved for the game.
Did you buy Witcher 3?
For me I want to see if they sort out the performance issues relating to LOD and anything else that is not working correctly such as some of the gamework options before buying.
Either they rushed and screwed the benchmark or there are some fundamental fixes required for the game, really strange behaviour regarding Hairworks that is totally opposite to the situation and issue using it with Witcher 3.
In the FF XV demo when disabled and yet bugged it is very unusual that the characters hair was normal and yet the animals was still enabled, with Witcher 3 it was nigh on impossible to have it that way round as modding Gameworks in that game could only do it for animals and not playing characters that was fixed on when Hairworks is enabled.
If they do fix Hairworks FFXV bugs so disabled is truly disabled and separately still possible disabling Hairworks on character while enabled on animals I will be pretty happy, it was character's hair and when close that really screwed the performance in Witcher 3 with hairworks enabled.

So I will give them some leeway that it is possibly a bug and that in FFXV there are more options around hairworks compared to say Witcher 3; context actual game rather than the FFXV benchmark that has fixed options and bugs that will be fixed for the game (or so Square Enix says but time will tell).

Yeah the demo "benchmark" is meaningless, and if it has these noticable problems how many other mechanics/options are possibly broken in the stripped down test, pretty silly for Square Enix to throw it out there without spending much more time on the benchmark demo and pretty obvious the tech press would identify more obvious anomalies, which is why I feel it is a QA/bugged issue and also does not reflect an accurate assesment of the game due to the various options missing.

Still I would hope no-one pre-orders any games these days, but quite a few general consumers do.
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Are we trying to argue that hairworks in Witcher 3 was well received? As far as I remember, it was critically panned and to this day pretty much all reviews turn it off when doing comparisons.

Just like in Witcher 3, the game is automatically setting the tessellation levels to x64, which breaks performance in both nvidia and AMD GPUs at the cost of no visual benefit over x32 or even x16 because it forces GPUs to process sub-pixel triangles.
It's just that it breaks AMD performance more, making nvidia GPUs look better in comparison.

The ultra tessellated invisible cows are just another example to join the legendary ultra tessellated concrete slab and ultra tessellated invisible ocean in Crysis 2.

It's mind-boggling that nvidia somehow still feels the need to resort to these tactics in their proprietary frameworks, when they clearly have the upper hand in hardware performance and performance/watt.
I wonder if the negative press they get from these things are worth it. They keep doing it, so I guess they are.

Not that it matters right now, though. Gamers aren't buying graphics cards.