Final Fantasy XV [XO, PS4, PC]

I'm just laughing at the character chasing the car in a couple of the screens. And yeah, the game still looks great. Too bad it was never really "finished".


LOL. Dunno why on ardyn mission, the guest character won't sit together in the car.

Yeah, even the royale edition is still unfinished (and felt unfinished).

Too bad SQEX pulled the plug before tabata's team able to finish the "main characters" DLCs and "real ending" dlc.

Episode ardyn (got released)
Episode noctis (scrapped)
Epidose lunafreya (scrapped)
Episode real ending (scrapped)

Those were repurposed into a novel. And I forgot the novel title
hmm, looks weird tonemapped to SDR.
on HDR it looks ridiculously good. the blinding sun and sun's reflection on the water. whoa.

wait a sec, does FFXV actually have a curved world instead of flat? the far away stuff (altissia) is missing if you are too far away. it appears as you gets closer. or its just a simple draw distance thing?

anyway, the game looks ridiculously good. like.. i just spend hours just sailing around, fishing ROFL. This should have been at launch, instead of on royale edition.


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What a missed opportunity to milk the content they already made, with a city dlc where we play as young prompt biking around or ignis as taxi driver or something silly like yakuza series city quests

What a missed opportunity to milk the content they already made, with a city dlc where we play as young prompt biking around or ignis as taxi driver or something silly like yakuza series city quests
All of that City exists in the game's assets?? I platinumed it but I don't remember such a whole city in the game

What a missed opportunity to milk the content they already made, with a city dlc where we play as young prompt biking around or ignis as taxi driver or something silly like yakuza series city quests

Yeah still bonkers to me SE forced this new team taking over to make the game in 3 years. They obviously wanted to make the latter half of the game open world.

Final fantasy xv remake would be amazing. I'll buy it day one of it's on pc.

- incorporate the movie back into the game
- turn the game back to truly open world
- complete all of the DLCs and properly incorporate them into the main game
- bring back all of the cut chapters.

Or if they want to make it a bit different to the original, like what they did with ff7 remake... Bring back the blood moon and everything about moon, including the original version of noctis gathering power from the moon instead of from the crystal.