Not sure whether I'm seeing what you're going on about in these screens. Your standards for video compression are rather absurd. Better sell off all your Blu-Rays and immediately and definitely terminate your Netflix membership too

Anyways, just about all the cut-scenes with the main characters in them seem like they're driven by the engine. So what if they did sneak in a pre-recorded one every now and again if it means speeding up a scene transition. Even mighty Uncharted 4 did it.
this cutscene is way lower than bluray quality. its like netflix quality but lower.
in motion, the artefacts are much easier to see.
the luna scene was promoted as realtime with awesome quality. In final product, its prerendered with not enough bitrate.
like i said a few pages before this page, FFXV mixed realtime and prerendered cutscene. Both of them have mixed rendering quality. The pre-rendered cutscenes compression quality also inconsistent. Some of them looks bluray quality, some of them have lots of compression artefacts. Heck, ONE of them have super bad audio, sounding like low bitrate MP3.
out of disk space? not enough time to render? who knows.
It seems they learn nothing from the FFXIII Xbox 360 version fiasco with shitty pre-rendered cutscene. They should have made (realtime/pre-rendered in-engine and pre-rendered out-engine) cutscenes have consistent (rendering and compression) quality just like FF13 on PS3.
I disabled all processing i can disable on my TV. So no noise reduction, no compression artefact reduction.
hopefully they still have all the raw assets. So in a year or two, the PC version can get all the glorious quality it deserved. Especially because PC games usually played way closer to the screen than console games
maybe this is why most people doesnt care with bluray and 4K TV? Because they simply doesn't see the visual quality difference compared to 1080p web-stream.
btw im actually jealous of those kind of people.
see, ages ago on CRT era, i can't unsee the flicker. But none of my friends see it. They are okay with 64-128Kbps MP3, and i need 256 Kbps minimum. I got irritated with frame drops, low resolution texture, and low AF on PS3, they see none of those.
i got annoyed by PS4 jet engine hairdryer sound.... and turns out other people too. Yay
but its the reverse with phone screens. I'm fine with 720p while my friends like 1080p at minimum.