unless i'm reading your post wrong, you think they only shipped 100,000 units since launch, to Canada? i'm aware that the US is a larger market than Canada, simply because of population, but i highly doubt the difference in units shipped to each country is that large. i'm guessing, at most, the US got 1.2m and the rest of N/A (Canada and Mexico) got at least 300,000 since launch.
NPD Canads sales #'s are out for Jan, it's actually far below the usual 10% ratio:
Wii 34,000
PS2 27,000
360 14,400
PS3 6,800
Only 7000 PS3, I guess that $699 pricepoint is just way to much to handle.
Could be a supply issue though, not a single futureshop in town has one in stock.